Part 32 (Time To Know The Truth)

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Gaia's P.O.V

Blake's been acting strange the last couple of days, I've never seen him like this. Acting so possessive of me, so insecure by someone. I mean the guy does play baseball and God knows how much I love a man that plays baseball, but Dustin? Come on! I have a life with Blake, Dustin is just a bad memory... I was in bed alone thinking about all of this, do I still want to marry Blake after his tantrum the other day? I don't want to be a possession, I want to be his wife and if he can't see that then I don't see a future ahead of us.

"Hey" he barges inside the room, scaring me about how desperate he was talking.

"What's wrong?" I sit up worried.

"It's here" he throws an envelope on the bed. We stare at it, both afraid to open it and see what was inside. "I can't do it, you open it" he said as he paced around the room with one hand on his forehead and the other on his hip.

"Me? You open it, it's your baby"

"We don't know that" we keep staring at it as if it was a bomb. I guess it kind of is, not literally of course but it would come like a bomb to us. We both hope it isn't his but then again if it is, it'll change our lives completely.

"Open it" I say calmly 

"I can't"

"You're gonna have to open it at some point...."

"What if it's mine?"

"I will still love you whether he's yours or not"

"But it's still gonna hurt you" he whispers as he sits next to me. "If he is mine it'll crush you inside and I will never forgive myself."

I put my hand on his cheek and caress it "Where have you been?" I whisper

"What?" he asked confused

"You've been shutting me out this past couple of days, since the whole Dustin thing"

"I'm sorry baby, I've just been stressing... I had to worry about the DNA test, Dustin, Asher, you, getting pregnant--"

"Blake we don't have to try now, we have time"

"You don't know that" he looks at me with sad eyes.

"Baby we can't change what happened, we just have to hope for the best"

He nods "We'll open it tonight, after dinner. We'll put Asher to sleep and we'll open it together, deal?"

"Deal" Asher starts to cry and squirm "How do you feel about having a big brother?"

"Please don't joke about it" Blake pleaded.

"Right" I walk back to bed and start to breastfeed Asher "I need to talk to you about something... serious"

"Am I in trouble?"

I ignore his question "The way you acted, when I talked to Dustin..."

"I'm sorry, I overreacted"

"I want to marry you, I do. But if I do, you have to treat me like I am wife, not like and object"

"I know, I promise to treat you as my equal... I just got scared, you and Dustin have a history, I mean you were gonna marry the guy for God's sake. And then you started talking about what would I do if he wanted to stop us from getting married and he shows up I just got nervous"

"I get that, but you have to understand that you are the only man in my life, well you and Asher, okay more Asher but you too" I try to joke... "I can't give my heart to someone else when you're the one that has it locked away"

He chuckles "I remember the first time I saw you walk in to Spanish class. I knew you were young but I knew I was gonna make you mine someday. You want to know what I told Danny when you walked in that ended up with Mr. H scolding us?"


"I was cocky, big guy, promising career. I wanted every girl, I even got those stupid earrings"

"Oh I hated those earrings!" I laugh "What did you say?"

"I said 'Fine piece of ass, I'll be pounding that in a week'"

"Wow! Nice! Charming even" I say sarcastically "Typical male" I roll my eyes.

"It didn't matter though... because I ended up getting whipped... The reason I fell for you so hard was that you're not like the rest, literally. You don't want fancy trips or expensive jewelry, you'd rather stay in the couch and wath TV" I chuckle "That's when I knew I didn't want 4 or 50 women... I just wanted the one"

"Nice save" I whisper.

"Thank you" his answer was short and honest. "So what do you say? Want to take a risk with me?"

"I already did" I whisper as I look down to Asher and back to him.

"I meant the results"

"Babe just open it. The result isn't gonna change when the night comes" He grabs the envelope and looks at Asher who was attached to me. He kept thinking it would ruin us, I'll admit it will be hard, but I will always be there for him... He finally decides to open it but he doesn't pull out the papers...

"You ready?" he asks and I nod... He finally takes out the papers but he hands them to me instead. I guess I have to be the brave one here today...

I look at the results and I get a mix of emotions. My eyes water I bite my lips but I couldn't hide either of them from Blake...

"No" he stands from the bed and paces around the room with both hands on his head... "FUCK!" he yelled, scaring both me and Asher and making him cry.


"No, no, no, no, I'm sorry" he kneels before me and puts his head on my stomach, wrapping his hands around my waist. "Please forgive me" he murmurs.

I put on hand on his head while in the other I held a crying Asher, trying to sooth him. "I got nothing to forgive"

"I got another woman pregnant, how can you be okay with that?"

"Because it was before we got back together... Read the papers"

"Why? So I can see it' a 99.9% mine?"

"You are a 99.9%.... Read it" I hand him the papers and he grabs them sitting back on the bed.... Finally I see a sign of relief on his face.

".......It's not mine" he stated. "Why did you cry then?"

"I'm happy, I'm allowed to cry if I'm happy"

"Yeah but don't do that, don't scare me like that"

"Wel that's what you get for not reading it" I tease and he forget the subject

"It's not mine" he smiles. "Baby, it's not mine" he gives me a deep kiss. "You hear that buddy?" he takes Asher from me. "You don't don have a big brother" he fills him with kisses.

was happy Blake's not the father of that baby, but I can't help but feel bad for the kid and her, not knowing who the father of your child is? That's just wrong... I smile when I see Asher calm down and happy with his father , a smile that soon turned into a frown as I run to the bathroom to throw up...


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