Part 47 (Christmas Miracle)

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Gaia's P.O.V.

I open my eyes gently... I felt like I woke up to that white room again except, I feel something on my thighs.

"Blake?" I call weakly. "Blake..."


"Wake up... I don't want to have this dream again"

"Gaia?" he mummbled. I find the strength to place my hand on his head. I actually touched him... it felt so real.


"What?" he yawned and squinted. As soon as he looked up to me he shot up. "You're awake, you're awake!" he says excited.

"Am I not supposed to be?"

"Yes... Oh baby! You scared the hell outta me" he cups my face and gives me a long, deep kiss.

"What happened?"

"You lost a lot of blood... Doc said you had a low chance of survival. I was scared but I knew you'd make it"

"Is this another dream?" my eyes watered.

"Dream?... Baby if this is a dream I don't ever want to wake up"

"It's real?"

"Yeah... why?"

I break in tears "I love you"

"I love you too" he hugs me "But you know how much trouble you're in, right?"

"I know" I chuckle.

"It's not funny" I knew it wasn't... but I'm here.

"I know.... But I'd rather have you mad at me for the rest of our lives, than not have you at all"

He kisses me again. "Don't ever do that to me again" he whispers and I nod in agreement.

"The baby... is she okay?"

"She's great... she's perfect and healthy. She looks just like you" he smiles.

"I want to see her"

"I'll ask the doc."

I don't know if it was another dream, but it felt so real... if it isn't I never want to get out of it.


"Miss Kurkova?" the doctor walks in. "How are you feeling?"

"Okay, though I don't know if this is real or not"

He chuckles. "It's perfectly real. You don't feel dizzy or nauseous?"

"No, a little weak but okay"

"Weakness is normal... I got to say, you're a miracle walking on this earth. The amount of blood you lost was not one that someone would survive. And your type of blood was very hard to find but your husband is quite persistent... I'd like to keep you for another day or so to make sure everything stays normal, is that all right?"


"Okay then, ready to meet your daughter?"

"You have no idea"  I smile excitedly.

"Mr. Griffin should be on his way with her... I'll leave you to it"

"Thank you"

I can't believe I get another chance... A chance to marry Blake and to see my kids grow up. If I wasn't this weak I'd be jumping up and down the place.

"Hey" Blake walks in with the baby on his arms and I grin from ear to ear.


"Say hi mommy" he hands her to me.

"Hi baby" my eyes water at the sight of her. "She's beautiful"

"Just like her mom" God his sweet talk always got to me.

"Did you name her?"

"I did"

"So what's her name?"


"What? You did not name her Christmas"

"I'm kidding" he chuckles and caresses my face "Her name's Penelope..."

"You named her Penelope? I thought you didn't like the name"

"I never said that... I just wanted more options" He stands up and starts pacing around while my attention was on our daughter... until he punches the wall.


"You should've told me" he says mad.

"I know"

"Then why didn't you?! I would've married you"

"I didn't want to worry you"

"Baby it's my job to worry about you... I almost lost you again, for good this time. Do you have any idea how I felt? How scared I was that I might not get to see you again? And those damn letters, what was that?! Find someone else to marry? As if you mean nothing!"

"I'm sorry"

"You should be... I'm more mad that I can't be mad at you right now. I get to have you again, I get another chance to make it up to you"

"You have nothing to make up to me. You've been a great father and fianceé these past years... I should've married you a long time ago... Please let's just not fight now, it's a happy day"

"I know, I know it's a happy day. I'm not mad, I'm just scared because I love you so much and I can't live without you" he kisses me.

"I love you too, more than anything" He calms down a bit so we could both enjoy this moment... "How long was I out?" I ask.

"Counting the day you gave birth to her, three days."

"So it's Christmas Eve?"


"Ugh! Worst Christmas ever" I mummble.

"No..." he grabs my chin and turns my head so I could face him so he could correct me... "Best Christmas ever"


So, she made it! How did you like the chapter guys?

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