Part 27 (Sad News)

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Blake's P.O.V.

1 Month later:

Gaia's been acting stranger tha unsual lately, at first I thought it was the whole thing that happened with the cheerleaders a month ago but this was completely different. She looked a bit depressed but at the same time she didn't. I don't think I've ever seen her this way and it's time I find out why...

"Hey" I say from the kitchen door frame. She had just finished having lunch with her mom "Can we talk?"


"Just talk"

She looks at he mom "It's okay mija, I'll look after Asher" she says so Gaia can leave. She stands up and we walk to our room.

"What?" she asked with a little bit of attitude

"What's going on with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've been acting strange lately, so what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine. Can I go now?" she starts walking but I grab her arm.

"Gaia I know you, I know when you're fine and when you're not... you can talk to me"

"There's nothing to talk about, can you let me go now?" I let go of her arm and she leaves. This isn't like her and we haven't had a fight in a long time so what the hell is going on? I walk out shortly after her and I her her sobs coming out from another room. I was gonna walk in but the I hear her moms voice.

"It's okay honey, it's gonna be okay"

"He's gonna leave me"

"No he won't"

"Mom, do you know how many couples get broken up because of it?"

"Look at me, this is not your fault, he'll understand" I know I can't assume what happened but all I could think about was that she cheated on me.

"Let me get you some water" he mom said and I left quickly. I paced all around the place trying to figure out what they were talking about. Gaia's not the kind of girl that just go cheats on you but when she doesn't want to tell you something she sticks to it. So I have to see if I ccan get it out of her mom...

"Mrs. K?" I find her on the family room with my mom and Asher. The look in my mom's face was of pity. "Mom, what's going on?" it was obvious she knew what happened. So why am I the only one excluded from this whole thing? "Mrs. K. you gotta talk to me, she won't talk to me"

"It's not my place to tell you sweet boy"

"Did she cheat on me?"

"No, God no. She would never do that... you just have to talk to her about it"

"I know but she won't talk to me"

"Sweetie" my mom stands up. She walks to me and starts to caress my arm up and down, like trying to comfort me. "It's a delicate subject"

"Please don't tell me she's sick" A lot of people have been diagnosed with whatever you can think of lately and I can't bare to live without her.

"Go talk to her"

"I already tried that"

"Then try again"

I was flodded with emotions, no one wanted to tell me what the hell was going on...

"Mom?" Gaia walks in and freezes when she sees all three of us "What's going on?" she asks worried.

"I could ask you the same thing" I say "Everyone's here talking behind closed doors and they want me to know what's going on but they won't tell so, how's that fair to me?"

"We'll leave you two alone" Mrs. K. says

"No! We'll leave" Gaia walks out and I follow her to our bedroom. "I'm sorry I lashed out earlier"

"Just tell me what's wrong? I mean, did you cheat?"


"Are you..... sick?"

"No" I was relieved to hear that no but what else can have happened that's got everybody acting this way?

"Then what's wrong? Baby just talk to me"

"Um... I uh, went to the gynecologist to see if I was pregnant and..."

"You're pregnant?"

She shakes her head "I... I can't have kids" this made no sense.

"What do you mean you can't have kids? We have Asher"

"Apparently we got lucky" her eyes begin to water "He was surprised that I even had him" she said tearfully. I had to sit down while I let it all sink in. I knew she wanted more kids, and so did I so this was a big hit for both of us.

"Are you sure?"

"He's pretty sure"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know how you were gonna take it... I'm sorry... I can't give you the family you want"

"And you though I was gonna leave you because of it?"

"What? You heard that?"

"I didn't mean to I was just passing through." I stand up and cup her face "Gaia I would never leave you because of that. We have Asher and that's enough"

"You want more kids, I want more kids it's not enough" she starts to cry and I'll admit I wanted to cry too, but I also wanted to be strong for her.

"We have to live with what we have. And who knows maybe we'll get lucky again"

"No I don't want to try. I don't want get my hopes up thinking that we're gonna have a baby and then nothing happens" I hug her and she cries on my chest.

"It's okay" I whisper "We'll make it work, you, me and Asher... we'll be okay"

"I can't give you what you want" she whispers

"Don't you dare blame yourself for this. You have no control of what happens inside your body. We just have to life with it... And I'm here for you, we'll think of something. But don't you think for one second that I'm going to leave you, so you understand me?"

"Yes" I wipe her tears away "The three of us are gonna be okay" it hurt like hell knowing we might not be able to have any more kids. But if Asher came into this world we have a chance of having another baby and I'm not going to give up on that...

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