Chapter 47 - KAT

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I was back in that room, that god-awful soundproof room where Dante kept me. I was terrified, I was bleeding, I was bruised. Dante came in, and the look on his face was so evil it would make the devil quiver in fear. Slowly, he stalked towards me. I screamed for help but the only answer was his sickening laugh.

"Kat, KAT," I heard Enzo's voice. He had come to save me. Where was he though? "KAT!"

I sprung up out of bed, way too quick, causing my head to bang angrily against my head at me. I gripped my head and went to lie back down again. "Did you have another one?" I heard Enzo softly ask me, as he pulled me into his warm embrace. I nodded in response. "What was it about?"

"Dante was there, I was back in that room. He- he looked so evil," I was now sobbing into his bare chest.

"Dante is dead baby, he can't hurt you anymore," he rubbed my back soothingly.

"What about Natale? She's his sister, surely she'll want revenge, and she wants you too. We can't find her anywhere, what if she's planning something?"

"Baby, we have the best security around us, and we have the best men on the job trying to find her. You're safe, and so is baby," he put his hand warmly against my stomach, and I relaxed into him.

"What if Jack comes after me?" I asked. I could feel Enzo tense at that question, for Jack is my cheating, lying, abusive ex.

"Jack is dead too," he stated, rather calmly.

"What?" I snapped my head up to look at him. This was the first I was hearing about Jack actually being dead. "Did you kill David too?" I asked, feeling like I already knew the answer, put I don't know if I wanted to.

"He punched you in the head Kat, baby, I saw red, he was there, my gun was there. And Jack deserved everything he got, he is an asshole."

"You can't just kill everyone that hurts me!" I complained.

"No, but I'm damn well going to try," he answered. I sighed. My husband was stuck in his ways, and there wasn't much I could do about it. I didn't want to change him though, and I knew the kind of man he was when I married him, and when I professed my love to him. "I love you Kat," he mumbled into my hair.

"I love you too," I replied, before drifting back asleep.

I hate being pregnant. It is awful. My back hurts, my feet hurt, I'm really fat, I am either eating the weirdest stuff, or not eating at all because I can't stomach anything without throwing it up, and there is no in between. Everything hurts, every single task becomes so much more effort, and to top that my hormones are all over the place. For example, today, I broke a glass, and I cried for about twenty minutes before Pascal entered, looking worried, cleaned up the glass and helped me over to the sofa. "You're funny," he laughed at me, once I had stopped crying.

"Leave me alone, I'm pregnant, you asshole," I snapped at him.

"Is Pascal pissing you off again?" asked Antonio, walking into the room.

"I just walked in and she was crying over a broken glass!" Pascal threw his hands up in surrender.

"You cried over a broken glass?" Antonio looked at me like I was crazy.

"Fuck you too! You don't have hormones all over the place because you are literally growing another person inside of you, so don't you dare tell me how I can and cannot act," I practically growled at him.

"Woah, woah, what's going on here?" Stefan asked, always the mediator between thing 1 and thing 2.

"She cried over a broken glass," Pascal sighed.

"Leave her alone, she's pregnant," Stefan folded his arms and glared at Pascal. "Make her a cup of tea, in fact, two cups of tea, and you, bring some snacks." He told Antonio and Pascal. When they came back, Stefan took one cup of tea and I took the other, and he placed himself next to me as we ate snacks and watched TV.

"I hate you," grumbled Pascal to Stefan, annoyed that he had fallen for Stefan's trick and actually made Stefan a cup of tea.

"Thank you, maid," teased Stefan.

After the boys all had to leave to go and do some work, I was left alone, and I was getting pretty bored of watching the same show over and over again. I wanted my husband. "ENZO!" I shouted. Within minutes he was rushing int o the room, his gun loaded, looking around the room for danger.

"What's up baby?" he asked, looking at me like I was going to break at any second.

"I just wanted a cuddle," I admitted. He rolled his eyes and let out a cute chuckle, put his gun down and then came over to me on the sofa. He sat down and pulled me so I was resting my head on his lap, and played with my hair. "I'm ready to have this baby out of me," I spoke, as I was drifting off into the land of nod.

"I can't wait to meet him or her," he said back to me.

"Me too," I let myself drift off, but it didn't last long. Pretty soon I lurched awake and ran to the nearest bathroom, throwing up the contents of my stomach. I felt Enzo's hands scooping the hair out of my face and holding it behind me, as he rubbed my back soothingly.

"I hate seeing you like this," he said, a pained look on his face.

"I hate feeling like this," I sighed, sitting on the bathroom floor and throwing my head back against the bathtub.


OOOOOoooooo another chapter. Cute. She's very pregnant now.

Hope everyone is well and hope you have all been staying safe! Ily xo

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