Ch.1 That Night

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April 11, 2019
    I was finally getting off work after a 14 hour shift. Don't get me wrong I love my job it was just very tiring sometimes. It was 2am and I had to walk home because I had managed to get my car towed last week. It was only 4 blocks away so I thought nothing could go wrong, man I was so stupid.

    Anyways I was walking home when I heard someone whimpering in the ally down the street, against my better judgment I decided to check it out. Inside the ally there was a woman curled up in a ball next to a dumpster. I slowly walked towards her, then I saw the blood  covering her left arm and the doctor in me hopped out. I got closer and was surprised when I saw her staring at me.

    She looked at me angrily and said, "If you touch me I'll kill you".

I look her over quickly to see if she had any other injuries. "Calm down I'm a doctor and it looks like you got stabbed in the arm. I can get you to a hospital where I can get someone to help you."

She looks around anxiously and says, " No doctors I cannot go to the hospital, can you please help me from here."

This is very suspicious but I can't deny her the help she needs. "No I cannot help you from here but I can help you at my apartment"

She looks to be thinking it over then apparently coming to a decision on her head she asks, "What is your name?"

This question surprises me but I tell her anyways. She then allows me to grab her good arm and put it around my shoulder.

Once we get to my apartment I set her down on my couch, and went to get my first aid kit. Before I start I ask her, "Do you have anyone I could call?"

    She once again looks at me anxiously and says "No I don't have anyone. Can I please stay here for the night?"

     I look at her suspiciously because I found her in an alleyway with a stab wound. She's definitely bad news but I can't help the need I feel to help her. So I truthfully tell her she may stay here as long as she needs.

    After I stitch up and clean the gash on her arm I look at her more closely noticing she had fallen asleep. She looked really pretty when she was sleeping, her skin was pale and she had a few light freckles covering her nose.

    Starting to feel like a creep I clean up the area and get her a blanket from my linen closet. I go into my room and fall asleep thinking about the woman on my couch.

472 words- 01-13-21

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