Ch.20 Wait what?

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Lucia POV (continued)

"So do you remember a few weeks ago, when we were at my club and saw Xavior there?" She mumbles a yes into my neck. I have to explain everything in a way that would be the truth but also wouldn't get me into any real trouble.

      "Well when we got into the car I realized that Maria could of been the only one to tell Xavior where we would be going. So after learning this I decided that the best thing to do was have her and Xavior followed." She looks up surprised she sits there with her thinking face on, "So Maria was really working for Xavior when she broke us up." I shake my head no, "See the thing about Maria is she and I have become pretty close friends since I met her son, so I think she was just being dramatic and wanting something more than a friendship-" this is when Sage interrupts me to ask another question.

     "So you mean to tell me that Maria didn't want you until you were in a happy relationship?" I nod my head yes I agree with Sage it's weird that she didn't want me until I was I was finally happy with someone new. "Okay just to continue once I had Xavior and Maria followed I found out that Maria's sons father is actually Xavior." She gasps in a dramatic way making me laugh at her. She looks at me with an expression that says I better stop laughing or Im gonna get it. I hug her tighter then continue, "So now we know why Xavior is so stuck on you he's just trying to complete his "family" with you and Brianna."

     She nods so I tell that that's all I know and we just lay on the bed for a little while because by time Im done explaining we still have 13 hours left on our flight to my home in Milan. "Babe I just want you to know I truly do love you and I hope we can be together forever." She says making me look up at her with a smile on my face. I have to be the luckiest woman in the world to have her.

Sage POV

      Knowing that my niece has a brother and his mom is my girlfriends fiancé just makes my life 10x more complicated. Would Lucia be willing to call off the engagement for our relationship? The conversation that we just had forces me to question our relationship. We've been together for nearly a month since our anniversary is in 3 days. I know it's to early for me to be thinking of long-term commitment but I love her and I just hope when the time comes she's able to choose me over Maria.

    "Amore you seem to be thinking really hard right now. Do you want to talk?" Lucia asks after noticing I had been staring at the wall for a while. I smile at her not really wanting to get into my thoughts right now. I shake my head no hoping she won't ask anymore questions. "You know you can ask me anything and I won't be upset or make you feel uncomfortable." I am so lucky to have her.

    "Well there is something I want to ask you but I kind of feel like we're to early into our relationship to ask." I say this while avoiding eye contact with her. She reaches forward and tilts my chin up so that I'm looking into her eyes and says, "I love you and want to spend my life with you, I wouldn't care if I met a million beautiful women none of them would be you so I wouldn't want them. Your my future my love you may ask me anything you want whenever you want." I hear the seriousness in her tone and know that I can really ask her anything.

"The question I wanted to ask you was, are you gonna end your engagement with Maria now that we're together?" She looks at me and I can see the amusement in her eyes "When I found out that Maria was involved with Xavior I ended the agreement I had with her father. I made sure to let him know that she had returned to her ex husband so she wouldn't be harmed. From now on I don't have to be involved with Maria." She pauses for a minute I'm assuming to think. "Actually I would like to stay in contact with her so I can check in with Jacob to make sure he's okay."

    I nod my head letting her know that I'm okay with that arrangement. It's amazing to think about how in some time me and Lucia may get married. "So um anyways what's your family like?" She smiles at me laying on her back so I'm laying on top of her with my chest against hers. "Well my father is a asshole but his wife who's about the same age as you is pretty cool I think you'll get along, I have two half-brothers who are twins and I think their three now. I really don't get to see them all that often since I moved to the states but I do love them."

    "Awh I'm sad to hear you don't get to see them. Would you think about moving back to Italy?" She lays there thinking for a minute, then says "Well I would like to go back I don't really like California that much." I start to feel my heart break a little because yes I do want her to happy but it hurts me to see her happy without me. "But I won't go back because your there and I will follow you to the ends of the earth." I kiss her cheek quickly and smile down at her.

     After a few hours Lucia went to go get Brianna and bring her to us so we could play with her since it's still her birthday. Right now we're getting off the plane and getting into a limousine with Lucia, Brianna, Jennifer, Alexia, Mark, and Twan. I'm having a conversation with Jennifer about how she got through the "terrible twos" with her daughter when we pull up to the estate. I look around and see the beautiful mansion.

When we get out the car two little boys come stumbling through the front door. They must be Lucias brothers who are around the same age as Brianna. Lucia picks them both up in her arms and starts to spin around making them laugh loudly. While she's doing that, a short woman with long red hair comes out of the house and walks over to Lucia yelling for her to quit playing with the kids and give her a hug. I smile at them I'm happy Lucia feels good seeing her family.

     After hugging the woman Lucia leads her and the children over to me and Brianna. "Stacy this is my girlfriend Sage, Sage this is my fathers wife Stacy." Damn Stacy is young we have to be the same age. I say hello feeling just a little awkward meeting her family, but Stacy makes me comfortable when she gives me a big hug and says welcome to the family. Next she picks up Brianna and says "Hey there you must be Brianna the birthday girl." Brianna starts giggleing then yells out burtay again.

After all the introductions the adults go inside while the four kids go into the backyard to play. Me and Lucia go up to our bedroom on the 2nd floor with Brianna's right next to ours. "So how long do you think we'll be staying here?" I ask because honestly this place is so beautiful I don't want to leave. She looks at the wall thinking for a bit before saying, "well actually we might have to stay for a while until I can get rid of Xavior for good." She says this with a hard look in her eyes. I know anything involving Xavior makes her tense.

"Okay that's cool I'm gonna go check on Brianna." I get up and leave the room walking down the hall to the twin boys room where I see all the kids jumping on the beds and running around.

Sorry for the long wait I kinda just lost motivation for this book but I'm about to get back on it and finish up these last few chapters. ~May <3

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