Ch.7 Do you like girls?

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I knock at Sages door and she opens it holding a baby. The baby looks a lot like her so I'm looking between her and the baby for a minute before she lets me in. We go over to her couch and she says hey to me.

I stop staring at the baby and say "Hey sorry I didn't call before coming over I thought we had plans." I was hoping I could get to know her better since we don't really know each other yet.

She looks at me apologetically before saying " Oh it's fine we did have plans it's just my sister came over and dropped off my niece for me to watch for a while and I'm kinda just moving all her baby stuff in." Oh I feel like a jerk for a minute i thought the baby was hers. I kinda felt a little jealous that she had a baby with someone else.

"It's okay what's her name she's so cute" She looks over at me and tells me the babies name is Brianna. I wonder how long she'll be watching her niece but that's none of my business so I don't ask.

     We're talking about random stuff when Brianna starts crying and Sage starts rocking her gently humming to her so she would calm down. Sages singing voice is amazing without even trying.

     When Brianna doesn't stop crying Sage checks her diaper then goes into her bedroom to change her. I'm sitting on the couch waiting for her when she comes out the room without Brianna but holding a baby monitor.

    She walks over to me and sits with me on the couch. I smile at her then I notice the unopened baby crib in a box near her kitchen. I'm pretty good at fixing things I wonder if she needs help.

    "Tesoro do you need help putting that crib together?" She nods her head yes before grabbing my hand a pulling me towards it. I chuckle and let her because I know she just doesn't want me to see her blush.

      "So what are the names you keep calling me in Italian?" I smirk at her question if she knew I was calling her pet names she would start giving me that cute innocent smile I love.

      "Oh nothing important you'll find out soon enough, anyways I'll start putting this together and we can play the question game while I do it." I want to get to know her so why not.

     "Okay how old are you?" Is the first question she asks. I responded 27 while I connected 2 poles together. She giggles at my thinking face and I start to laugh with her.

      After a few minutes of just laughing I ask her what her favorite tv show is. She replies quickly saying criminal minds. I tell her we like the same shows.

       She asks me if I have any siblings. I tell her I have 2 brothers but they all live in Italy. I miss them very much but I have to stay in the states for work. Being around sage makes this all feel a little more bearable.

        I ask her if she's dating anyone. I stop what I'm doing so I can pay attention to her answer. She smiles at me and says no. I smile at her and continue doing what I was doing connecting the four sides together.

       "How many people have you dated ?" She asks me. I laugh at the jealous look on her face before I once again stop what I'm doing and walk towards her. I stand in front of her and whisper in her ear "Non sono uscito molto, ma tu sarai la mia eccezione". Her breathing quickens a little then she looks up at me and starts to lean forward.
Translation: I don't date but you will be my exception

      Before our lips can meet the baby monitor goes off letting us hear Brianna crying. She rushes to her bedroom and I just follow behind her. She picks up Brianna and starts to hug her close making me smile. I go back into the kitchen and finish up putting the crib together then I roll it into her bedroom.

       She gets up from her bed next to Brianna who's sitting up against some pillows to help support her.  She thanks me then surprises me by giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. I smile at her then I realize I didn't get to ask my final question.

      "You know I never really got to ask my last question" she smiles at me and tell me to ask away. I get a little nervous about this question what if she says no. "So um do you like women?" I swear she just stares at me for a minute making me nervous as hell.

      Finally she replies "yeah I'm bisexual, do you wanna watch a movie?" I say yeah and go lay on one side of the bed while she lays on the other and Brianna lays between us.

      She goes on Disney+ and turns on beauty and the beast. I've never seen this movie so I'm actually paying attention then I start to doze off. I wake up to Brianna crying, I look at the clock on the nightstand and see it's midnight. Sage is still sleeping so I go to the kitchen and look for some baby formula. Once I find some I make Brianna a bottle and get back into bed. I'm feeding Brianna when sage wakes up and quietly says aw.

    I wake up and see Lucia feeding Brianna a bottle. That is the cutest thing I've ever seen. I move so I can get a better look at Brianna. I see that she's sleeping. I grab my phone and take a quick picture of them. After I get my picture I  gently pick her up out of Lucias arms and lay her down in her baby pin.

    I go over to my dresser and get me a pink silk pajama set and Lucia some basketball shorts and a tank top. I hand the clothes to her she smiles at me and gets out of bed walking over to me.

    She pulls me into a hug and whispers in my ear " Grazie Tesoro". Before disappearing into the bathroom. Her speaking Italian was the most sexy thing I've ever heard. I'm thinking about the way her lips felt the other day while I put on my clothes.

      Lucia walks in the room when I'm in the middle of putting on my shirt I hurriedly slip it on and look over at Lucia who's already staring at me with dark eyes. 

      I get into bed and lay so I would be facing Lucia. After she gets into bed she lays facing towards me. We just lay there staring at each other for a couple of minutes before Lucia wraps her arms around my waist gently. I scoot myself closer so we're spooning.

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