A short feature film starring my medical bill

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I like to think I'm a good person. Everyone is a little good. But as soon as Hawks walked through that door, I wanted to beat everyone in the room. Considering that not too long ago, he told me to piss off. I knew we had made up, but the wound was still fresh. He told me to go so he could "think". Come to think of it, I didn't know where he stood with me.

I sat there in shock at his question. Not the oh-my-god-please-no shock. The are-you-fucking-serious look.

I took a deep breath and rubbed my eyes.

"I got fucking drugged. How do you think I am?"

He seemed to catch on that he shouldn't have been so casual about it. He cleared his throat. "Well about that, I have the connected footage from the night that will show us everything... uh, if you want to see it."

"Maybe that wouldn't be such a good idea," the nurse stated, scribbling on her clipboard.

"Look," I started, "I'm sorry I snapped at you. I'm just confused and a little freaked out. Let me watch it?"

Her lips tightened. "Well, I'm leaving. I won't be able to see what you two do when I'm gone. But while I'm here you are not allowed to watch. Be back," she looked at Hawks.

"Fifteen minutes."

She nodded and walked out.

Hawks walked over to the other side of my bed and pulled out a chair. I sat up as he put a laptop on my lap. He leaned in and pulled up the video. To be honest, there was some tension in the room because this was the first time we've seen each other since making up. Well, sort of. He said he would give me a chance, but he also said he'd think about it, and the uncertainty killed me.

Hey, how about concentrate on the fucking video? You know, what happened the night you were drugged is on it?

Well, I can't help myself. He's just...

"You ready?" Hawks interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes," I was avoiding contact and staring at the screen.

He clicked the space bar. The first camera shot was from across the street, showing me digging through a car.

"That's Ashlyn's car."

He just watched the video instead if replying to my rhetorical statement.

After I got into the club, the camera quality was tenfold as better, and it showed me talking and dancing but it sped through that part pretty fast. It stopped when I left from the bathroom and gave Ashlyn my drink. It showed me walking away and coming back.

"Wait," I pushed the space button. "Do you have video of what happened while I was in the bathroom?"

Hawks smirked. "Smart kid. The camera was following you but I did find some extra footage, I was curious on how the drug got into your system," he said, clicking around.

He stopped on a separate camera file and clicked it. It was two minutes long, and the camera was zoomed in on Ashlyn. After she took my drink, she started talking with the other girls. Then, around the thirty-five second mark, a man started talking to her. She pushed him off and scolded him. But then she was... laughing with him?

It was all interesting, but by far the most interesting part was when she passed him my drink while talking to the others and digging through her purse.

The camera zoomed in further, and I saw his fingers over my drink. Shortly after, Ashlyn took my drink back, and that was around the time I paused the video.

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