The wise rabbit that could snap me in half

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The car ride was leaving me in suspense. I was going to Mirko's party as Hawks's plus one. I couldn't wait to see how I would fuck myself over on this one. But that got me thinking, why am I going? Why did Hawks invite me? We've known each other for such a short time and met, like, three times. Why did he ask me?

I looked over at him to try to see what he was up to, we'd been silent for the last twenty minutes. He seemed to not sense my apprehension because he had his arm resting on the closed window ledge and his body was relaxed. He was staring out the window with something of a dreamy smile on his face. Not wanting to get caught staring again, I looked out of my own window.

"You may think I'm not paying attention kid, but I got eyes on my wings. They know what you're doing. Now, you've been picking at your fingers for a while. What's on your mind?"

"Oh. Well... To be honest, I kind of want to know what made you asked me to come? It just doesn't make sense to me."

"Oh? How so?" He said to the window.

"Well, we've known each other for such a short time and one of the times we both ended up bleeding all over my apartment. I just think it's weird that you'd pick some random who was absolutely blasted the first time we met."

He hummed thoughtfully then turned to me. "Well, I didn't want to bring it up now, but I've known for a while that I might have a mole in my agency, and the night I got jumped confirmed it. So I need someone who could look for the mole."


"I could go with a UA student but they draw too much attention. I could go with a low-list hero, but they're... Well heroes so they wouldn't be trusted. So", he continued, "I need a random to be a personal spy."

"So... Are you asking if...", I trailer off, the insinuation clear.

"Well with a little bit of teaching, I need you to spy. Or another random if you don't want to." He looked at me with his blocked off eyes. All business.

Oh. Well. It's like that. I should've guessed.

"So the point to bringing me to this party?"

"Well", he said cheerfully, "I wanted you to meet a few heroes so you wouldn't be a wreck when you inevitably see them working with me. Also, because I think you're cute."

"I don't understand."

"That I think you're cute?" He playfully snickered.

"No, that you'd choose me. I- the first time you met me I was wasted. The second I was working a minimum wage salary at a low end store. Putting away sex toys. "

He chuckled. "Yeah that was a fun time."

"And the third, I almost shot you and didn't react fast enough to you being hurt! How am I at all qualified?"

He seemed amused by my antics. "Well you have heart. You have resolve, even when drunk. You also have a good heart, you're pretty damn sneaky too. If not for my feathers, I wouldn't have known you were around the corner with a Glock. You're pretty good about making sure things line up, you did cock the gun before coming in earshot. You're independent and hardworking. You'd have to be working 2 jobs and about to apply for a third-"

"How did you know that," I asked incredulously.

"You posted about it the day I met you. I gotta check out what my future secret spy is doing, yeah?"

I was shocked. He picked me apart. He was so observant that I'd place the rest of my bank account on the fact he probably knows my entire personality and toothbrush color.

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