A date of sorts

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So... Yeah. After a few more bone chilling
missions, we stopped at a neat sandwich place for our break. I looked over my notes and sulked. I had fucked up the last mission by putting a red flag down instead of an orange one. I had to explain to two pro hero's that nothing was that urgent.

All would be fine if I could have just found the damn undo button.

I cringed remembering how the pro heros spoke to me. When Mr. Nickoletti walked over to me after the mission, I opened the door in the back of the van and told him what happened.

He chuckled, "As long as you undid it, I don't see a problem."

"Um... I couldn't find an undo button."

"What?" He bit his lip and pulled into a driveway, "Shit, shit, shit- How long ago?"

"Like fo-"

"More than 3 minutes ago?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to but when I heard the gun shot I jumped and clicked the red-"

"Hush for a minute. Hello? Yes, who arrived on the scene at Marshal avenue and jumper street? Yes ma'am. Turning around now."

I bit my lip to try to distract myself from the embarrassment. What made it even worse was Mr. Ito
was totally cool about it. He even offered to buy me lunch because he knew how bad I felt, accidentally making the guilt worse.

He came back with two sandwiches and set mine in front of me. My face flushed under his gaze.

"Look, you didn't get proper training! It's fine. You made a mistake and to be honest, those heroes had a stick up their ass."

"Thank you", I took a drink of my tea, shame clearly evident in my voice.

"Also, about earlier, when I questioned you about your lover, I didn't mean to cross any lines. It's just- you remind me of my niece. You have the same spirit, you know?"

"Oh- no it's okay, I didn't take it that way."

"Alright, Mrs. (L/n). Time to get back to work", He looked at his watch and crumpled his sandwich wrapper.

We made a few more stops, where I made a few more fumbles, but not as bad as the first one, though. I went to my shared office where my things were moved. I looked at my filled out time sheet and sighed. I technically didn't have to go to Hawks's office to give it to him, I could give it to Gabriella. But I wanted to talk to him.

I felt a little nervous, seeing as my time sheet had to include "watched me get scolded by two heros".

I carried myself to the office with heavy limbs. I bit my lip and held my hand over the door to knock. The tension was almost as real as the last time I opened a door to find Hawks. I guess this is different though. I know he's in there and there shouldn't be any bodies.

I chuckled at the memory before forcing myself to knock.

"Come in."

Still stiff as a board, I pushed the door open. Hawks was looking at his computer.

"Um... I have todays time sheet."

"Set it on my desk", he replied emotionlessly.

I walked forward and put it on the desk, mentally begging him to make eye contact with me.

"Is that all?"

"Actually, no." I hesitated. "Are you- are you- doing okay?"

He looked away from the computer and looked at me with sharp eyes. The tension in the room increased ten fold and I fidgeted with my sleeve.

Red Feather (Hawks x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now