To be honest, I only expected one persons body in my house tonight.

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"Wh-", I wiped away the tears spilling from my eyes, "What the fuck?"

I sat in my car and stared at the screen. My mind's wheels were turning as much as they could through the disappointment of my current situation. This has to be Hawks. Right? I brought the chicken wings home but they're damaged...

Damaged. Is he okay? Is he at my house? He "brought them home". Assuming this isn't a random text, could that mean he was at my house hurt? Wait how could he possibly know remember where I live? Not only that but why would he go to my place? He would go to his agency.

I put my phone down and rubbed my eyes. It's nothing. I'm overthinking.

The drive home was unnerving and I kept getting shivers. Something was off. Pulling into my driveway I stared at the window of my apartment and the lights were on. I felt more nervous than before. I always turn the lights off when I leave.

Just as I thought that maybe I just forgot this time and was about to open the car door, the lights turned off and I froze in terror. The hairs on the back of my neck raised.

Fuck fuck fuck. I'm going to call 911. Fuck. This. Nope nope nope nope nope-

What if it's Hawks and there's a reason he's hiding out. Motherfucker.

I took a deep breath and opened the glove box. I keep a small handheld in there. The metal felt cold and unforgiving against my skin, and I popped the mag out to see if it was loaded. I knew that it was but subconsciously, I wanted to stall for time.

Just do it. With your quirk, you'll probably be fine.

There was no reason to be quiet inside my car but making any loud sounds wasn't an option. I slowly and carefully popped the handle of the car and gently shut it. I did have to push it shut since I practically placed it shut and the latch didn't click.

Being night time, I strained to see if there was a figure in the kitchen slider. I couldn't make out any shapes so I pressed towards the stairs. Looking back on it I realize I could be as loud as I wanted. They already saw the headlights of my car pull in. But at the time any sound was taboo, even the soft sound of my own panicked breathing.

I felt my heart racing as I cocked the gun at the foot of the stairs. I took another deep breath and slinked up the stairs as quietly as I could. When I got to the second floor, my door seemed to beg me to turn back and call the cops.

You are so stupid are you fucking serious? There is someone in the house and you really want to go in there? Call the cops dumbass!

I rested my hand on the handle. My breath in was shallow and at this point, by body forbid itself to move. I wanted to bust in like a badass and point the gun and scream 'Who the fuck is in my house! I will shoot!' But my body was frozen in place. I finally stole my body back from the instinct to turn tail and run and softly turned the knob. It was practically silent.

Now to open it.

My hands felt cold and clammy as I gently pushed the door open, pleading silently that it wouldn't screech when I opened it. Nothing. My apartment was practically pitch black except for the hallway light. One of the lights that I turned off before I left.

The floor was littered with long slender things and my broken stuff. Although I couldn't see very well, I saw dark shapes lightly illuminated where there shouldn't be shapes. There was a lump next to my couch. A few lumps littered the floor in the living room. One in the kitchen.

Then the hallway's bathroom sink went off.

I'm gonna fucking die.

I started walking tentatively to the sound when I stepped on glass through my show making a crunch. I stopped like a deer in headlights to wait out the adrenaline flooding me. I heard no changes in the noise coming from the bathroom.

Red Feather (Hawks x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें