Sorry about the vibrator. By the way, KFC?

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I was in the backroom of Spencer's to find a size up for this chubby cute girl. Yeah. So what she's an XL? It's not like the box for XL's is way out of my reach. Like on top of the shelves.

Goddamn it. Fuck me.

I huffed and dragged a ladder over. I could just tell her that we don't have anymore. I thought about it before climbing. No one would know. No, I work two full-time jobs for a reason. Yeah, it's rough but I like Spencer's and Subway more than I like homelessness, so.

my mind wandered to this morning when- Oh yeah! The second-ranked hero slept at my house. 

After giving the sweet girl her XL dragon lingerie, I propped my head up on the desk and waited. Doesn't look like it's going to be a busy day. I mean, it's mostly just middle school and high school kids who shop here, and it's 11 in the morning so they're probably still in school.

I guess I could tune out of reality for a little bit. Hawks let me touch his wings and holy shit they were soft. Perfect too. I loved them. I returned his washed jacket and he offered to return mine too but I told him it was better if he kept it. I don't have wings after all and I'm too lazy to sew those slits back up.

Keigo, with his clothes in hand, took off the sweatshirt I gave him and held it out to return to me. I took it trying not to stare. He started to change into his previously soaked loose jeans, white tee shirt, and signature beige fuzzy jacket.

Oh! Yeah... I cut holes in the jacket. He should just have it.

"So do you always go out drinking or..." He smirked while putting on his shirt.

Not going to lie I stared. A lot. Holy shit. Nice muscles. I wonder how often he works out?

"No, I... I-Uhm. I don't usually", I scribbled on the small paper while trying to hide the fact my eyes still haven't left his torso.

His head poked out from the shirt and I quickly averted my eyes to the ceiling. Fuck I hope he didn't see that.

The look on his face didn't betray his thoughts, but I don't think he saw.I shoved the paper in the pocket of my maimed hoodie.

"Uh- you know what? I just realized that this won't do me much good with the holes in it. Take it as a gift for taking me home. Thanks again by the way, I don't know if I would've made it back here."

His smile remained on his face as he took the jacket. "Thanks, kid. It's a very nice hoodie. I'll hold on to it.Thanks for letting me sleep here. It was kind of cold but I'm glad you snuggled up to me. Such a cutie", he winked.

I let out a nervous chuckle.

He walked into the bathroom to change pants and left the sweat pants on the kitchen counter. Then he walked out to the balcony and took off. It really was a sight to see. His powerful wings beat and I was suddenly extremely jealous of drunk me.

The next few days were filled with waiting. Yep. He's not going to text me. There's no way he would.I pull out my phone and check for any new notifications. the only thing my phone told me was my storage is running low and Amazon wants me to shop.

The paper I stuffed in my- Keigo's jacket? It was a piece of paper with my number on it.

You're so impulsive oh my god I hope it fell out of the pocket so he doesn't see. But also please text me.

I once again put my phone in my pocket. Whatever. another voice interrupts my internal bitching.

"(Y/n) I need you to refill some of the... Uh... Toys." My coworker's voice rang from the other side of the shop. Megan is cool I guess but she gets in my business.

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