So much happened... oh my god

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And just like that, I was in the back of a car with Ashlyn and her annoying friends. Most of whom were already drunk and yelling obnoxiously.

"Uh... hey, Ashlyn?"

She turned down the music and yelled behind her, shouting over the still loud music and annoying women yelling along to the song.


"I thought it was going to be just us," I yelled over the chorus of Pickpocket Victims.

"Awwwww, what is it? You don't like my friends? Can't bring you anywhere!"

She turned the music back up and the one next to me leaned in too close. "You're Larry, right?"

"What? No, I'm (y/n)!"

She snickered and held her purse out to me.

"Hey can you hold this when we get there?" she yelled while adjusting her bra.


"Ooh me too!"

Eventually, I was the one who was going to keep track of everyone's belongings. To be honest, I was just going to put all of their wallets in my purse and tuck everything else under the seats so they wouldn't get stolen.

It took about five headache-inducing minutes, and the bass was making me a little sick by the time we pulled up to the parking lot. We walked towards the line, but before we got there, I asked to run back to the car, claiming I forgot my phone.

In reality, by the time I was done in the car, I got new lipstick, a bunch of safety pins, face wipes, a bar of soap that smelled like honey lavender (what the hell?), lotion, a ring of hair bands, a cool pen, some expensive looking perfume, and a few more things.

I walked in past the bouncer where I thought they would be waiting for me at the bar. Apparently, they weren't waiting for me, they were waiting for their wallets.

I didn't really want to be there, but since I was already there, I went to dance. Honestly, rave dancing felt dangerous. Hot, sweaty bodies and loud music made me feel vulnerable but that was a part of the hype. The vibration and the bumping; the excitement of it all.

Eventually, after spending a while dancing and getting thirsty, I ordered a beer and an ice water.

I talked it up with the bartender for a while to cool down. After a while, I wanted to go back to dancing but I really needed to pee. I tracked down Ashlyn so she could watch my drink.

"That's so fucking lame, (y/n). No one's going to spike it, your over reacting," she said while putting a hand over my cup, "I drove you here and payed for your ticket, and you make me babysit your drink."

"Sorry, sorry. I'll be fast. Let me use the bathroom, I'll be quick."

I was speed walking away, tugging at my sleeves, while I heard her yell from behind me.


I made it to the bathroom and I was standing in front of the mirror, washing my hands.

Shit, she's right. I shouldn't have come here. She's probably getting impatient. Gotta move faster or she'll get mad at me.

I walked out as fast as I could, creeping anxiety forming in my stomach, fretting about how loud Ashlyn might yell at me if I didn't hurry up.

I got there and tapped on her shoulder.

"About fucking time, bitch, that was like an hour!"

"I mean, it was like 2 minutes, but okay."

"Shut up. Oh my god, you're so stupid. Does it always have to be so literal with you?"

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