A kickass dress and awkward backseet questions

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He licked his thumb and his eyes went half-lidded. His stare was intense so I looked down to avoid it, cutting off another bite of cake. I could feel my face turning red. I tried to ignore it to save face but Hawks wasn't having it.

He spoke lowly, "What's the matter baby? Am I too intimidating?"

As he said that he got off the seat and walked around the bar into the kitchen. I resisted the urge to look up at him and stuck to my cake when a hand reached over and stole a syrup covered strawberry.

I could feel how close he was, yes. But only when I looked up at him did I realize just how close he was. If I were to lean just a few inches to the right I'd be pressed up against him.

This close to his face, I held my breath. His bullet golden eyes we're still intently gazing into mine with interest.

Then he but into the strawberry like a goddamn shark.

He perked up immediately. "Wow. This is really good! I did a good job picking this out", he cheekily said.

He was still close and my mouth betrayed me. I couldn't find anything to say with him this close. I just popped the collar of the jacket and hid in it. He chuckled and flattened my collar so he could see my face so i turned away, shamefully looking at my cake. When I turned back he had another strawberry in his mouth, and he was holding it halfway in and halfway out. When my eyes flicked back to his, he playfully raised his eyebrows as an invitation, a smile on his face the whole time.

"Oh would you -" I playfully smacked his chest, my face burning more from the implications.

He leaned back a bit and laughed, pulling the strawberry out of his mouth. "Alright alright," He said between chuckles, "but for real, I feel bad about our date a few days ago-"

"A few days ago? What? That was yesterday... Wait how long have I been asleep?"

He looked at me with a bit of surprise, "You've been asleep for..." he checked his watch and frowned, "I wanna say thirty-six hours?"

"Oh my god, I am so fired. Shit and I was supposed to get my car detailed yesterday and-"

He smiled wide and I stopped in my tracks.

"What?" I squinted suspiciously.

"Nothing! I just took care of all of it for you. You're lucky you write on your calendar. A few of my interns took your car in, and handed in your resignation letter!"

"Oh yeah, I work for you now right?"

"Yep! I'll get the paperwork taken care of. I think you'll start on Monday."

"Cool, no interview? Wait but I could be a villain."

He smirked, "Kid, you have a poster of me in your room and your calendar is hero themed. Not to mention you're not all that sneaky and", he continued, "although you know how to use a gun, I don't think you would have pulled the trigger if I happened to be a villain.

"By the way, I saw how awkward you were when I had practically no clothes on sitting on your couch, I think I'll take my chances with you being a villain."

I know he was just teasing but I was embarrassed anyhow. "Oh yeah... The poster..."

"Yeah. The poster." He replied smugly.

"Alright kiddo, I gotta head back to work, this is a little break. Oh! And-" He pulled something out of my hair. It was a red feather, "This was just sitting there. It's kind of like an SOS if you need me. You're still under protection right now but still. "

Red Feather (Hawks x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now