Kissed my leg then my lips

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The movie was indeed scary. We were halfway through the movie when I needed to go to the bathroom, both because, well, I needed to go, and because I needed a break. I nudged him and he turned around with two Twizzlers hanging out of his mouth.

"Can you pause it? I have to use the bathroom."

He paused the TV and watch me struggle a bit to turn myself around. With my leg now numb from resting it on the ice for about an hour, it felt painful but in a different way than earlier. Earlier it was a strong but dull pain and right now because of the ice pack my leg was numb, but whenever I stood up and put pressure on my leg, it felt like it was still going to break in two.

I hobbled around the couch but at the end I couldn't use it as a crush any more and stopped. I prepared to bare the pain so Hawks wouldn't know but as soon as I took a step with my bad leg, I took a sharp breath. I almost fell, but in a flash Hawks was supporting me. He had my arm around his neck and his hand on my hip.

"(Y/n) is such a clutz", Hawks chuckled.

We walked to the bathroom with me hobbling along the whole way and after drying my hands, I looked in the mirror.

I look like a mess.

I didn't know this but my hair definitely told anyone who looked at me that I free-falled off of a building. I huffed and didn't bother fixing it, i just ruffled it around to make it look halfway decent. when i turned around my leg hit the nob that stuck out from the cabinet and cursed. I waited until the pain subsided and and looked at my leg. When I set it up on the counter to get a good look at it, I winced a bit when my leg plopped down instead of gently landing.

"You okay in there, kid?" Hawks asked through the door.

"Yeah, I'm just looking at my leg. I bumped it against the sink and there's better light in here."

"Can I come in?"

"Why do you want to come in the bathroom while I'm in here?" I giggled jokingly.

He opened the door and turned to me. Hawks grabbed me by the hips and pushed me around so I'd face him. He lifted me on the counter with ease, as if I was no more than one of his feathers. My arms were on his biceps and upon squeezing it for balance, I really got to feel his muscles. I looked down at his arm and frowned.

"What is it", Hawks questioned.


He smirked and flexed his arm. My eyes widened and I squeezed it again.


He laughed and got on his knees in front of me. When he looked up at me from in between my legs I swallowed audibly and my face felt hot. I looked up and around, trying to avoid eye contact when I felt strong hands gently grab my bruised leg. I just jumped a little and looked down to see Hawks was inspecting it with serious eyes.

"Your leg is freezing."

"There was an ice pack on it."

He looked up, un-amused. "Hardy har. Well it doesn't do you good now. The ice just numbs it and keeps swelling down. You'd do good with an hour without it, then put it on again", he said while rubbing my leg.

I was honestly trying to concentrate on what he was saying but his warm hands contradicted the temperature of my shin. He took care to press lighter around the center of the bruise and instead of unnecessary pain, it felt soothing.

Oh yeah- and he was rubbing my leg.

My flush had dyed down and was now resting on my ears when he interrupted my flustered thoughts with: "(Y/n) is so red. Thinking unholy things?"

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