Son of a bitch, that hurt! Candy sounds nice right about now...

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"Mhm," I hummed nervously.

"I'm going to save it for when I want."

"What? You can't do that!"

He cheekily smiled. "Of course I can! It was your fault for not seeing through what I was doing."

"I- damn it-" I mumbled.

He rose out of his chair and picked up our finished plates. He didn't say another word but his aura made it clear that he was a cocky son of a bitch.

I rested my head in my hand and glared at his back while he rinsed the dishes and put them in the sink.

"Thanks for dinner, (y/n)."

"Yeah." I said grumpily.

"Aw, what's the matter?"

My face flushed at his close proximity. He had turned the chair around to face him and had his hands on either side of my thighs. I squeezed them together and stiffened. I forced myself to talk, "You're going to make me do something embarrassing."

"No I won't! Well, I might- but we'll see." He put his hand over his mouth in thought before grabbing my hand and lifting me up from my chair, " Let's get ice cream, yeah?"

His hands were calloused and warm. He had lean hands and long fingers. Mine were nothing like that. My hands were soft from lack of labor.

He chuckled and gave my hand a small tug. "So? Ice cream?"

"We could have a movie night if you want."

I walked over to the jacket rack next to the door and threw on a hoodie. I was shuffling my feet into some flip flops when Hawks said, "Sure, but let me stop by my place so I can get some pj's."

Did he just invite himself over?

I smiled to myself. He'll be spending the night at my house. I was grabbing my keys from the door when I felt a hand wrap around my wrist.

"Come on, kid. You know the deal. We're gonna fly there."

I gulped. He seemed to sense my apprehension because he squeezed my hand in his and walked me over to the balcony.

"It's fine, puddin. You'll be okay with heights eventually."


He leaped off of the balcony and I froze, still standing on the wall. I gripped the pillar to the right of me and looked down. There he was, hands held out, gesturing for me to leap off. I shook my head and gripped onto the pillar tighter.

"Come on, I'll catch ya!" Hawks bellowed from below.

"It's too far down! I'll die!"

"You'll be fine! Promise!"

I took a deep shaky breath and started to tremble.

Oh my god. I'm actually going to do this. Okay, on three.

My body was frozen and my stomach felt like buckets of ice had been poured down on it. I was shaking so hard, I was scared I might slip off.

"Need me to come get you, chicken?"

"N-no! Just give me a second! Oh fuck me..." I trailed off.

"Only if you come down here!"

Surprise overcame my intense fear. "How the hell did you hear that? I whispered it!"

He shrugged and held his hands out again in an invitation. My throat went dry and I took a deep breath.


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