Chapter 23

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           It's dark in here. I don't know where I am. Someone grabbed me right when they said they entered. They put something over my mouth and I passed out. Now I'm here. But I'm not sure why. I try and stand then hit my head on something. "SHIT!", I yell. Am I in a cage? Wait. Do they think I'm a  werewolf?!?! "HEY! I'm not a werewolf! I'm a human!".

    Someone comes walking through the door. Then I hear someone flick a light switch. The light burns my eyes and I shiled my eyes with my hands. "What did you say?", someone says. My eyes adjust and I look up, revealing the guy I had met when my sister was born. What was his name? Kevin? Korey? "Keaton". Oh, yeah. Keaton.

     "I said, I'm not a werewolf. Why the hell would you think I was. Oh. Or you're just a creep who kidnapped me for fun...", I say. He shakes his head. "Okay, back to my recent statement. I'm not a werewolf. I'm human. A wonderful normal human. Who's boyfriend is a werewolf". He nods his head then opens the cage door.

   An explosion goes off and I jerk back, causing me to go back into the cage and the door to slam. I scream as Keaton catches on fire. "KEATON!", I yell. He screams out in pain and tries to shake it off, but that only makes it catch on fire more. He collapses on the ground, fire still blazing. I cry out, wanting someone to come rescue me. But no one knows I'm in here.

   Someone comes running in just as a flame touches my skin. I scream in agony and the person runs faster. Then I see there face. Ethan. He rips the cage door open but the flames keep coming, inglufing the skin on my arm. I scream again and Ethan picks me up and runs out, but he drops me, right before another explosion goes off.

    Ethan screams and I'm right dead in the middle of flames. I couch a few times and he runs through the fire and picks me up again, apparently, none of the flames came in contact to my skin. But the glass did, and it didn't just cut, it stabbed.

   I pass out just as Ethan runs out of the building.

   I wake up laying on a bed, my own bed. Nothing hurting but a sting in my arm. It seems to be bandaged and I look around. Derek and Ethan walk in. "You died", Derek says bluntly. I chuckle and shake my head.

   "He's serious", Ethan says.

   "I feel fine!', I argue.

   "Danny, wanna take the bandage off?", Derek asks. I shrug and begin to take it off, revealing a bite mark. A bite.. I'm a werewolf now...


Not broken, just bent. ~A Dethan fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now