Chapter 21

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       It's been a few months and I haven't talked to Ethan at all. Not once. He keeps trying to talk to me but I won't even give him the satisfaction of meeting his eyes. I wanna hate him. I don't wanna miss him. I don't wanna love him. But, I do. And it's killing me.

   Mom comes in my room, more like hobbles into my room. Did I mention she is about to pop? Her due date was literally 3 days ago. But the baby was not ready to come out just yet. That works for me though. You stay in there kid, I won't have to change your diapers. I sigh and mom comes and sits by me. I lay down on my bed and close my eyes. Then, she screams out in pain. I shoot up and put my arms around her. Damn it! I grab my cellphone and call 911. They say they'll be here in a bit. They aren't there in 5 minutes so I pick mom up and take her to my car. I put her in and speed all the way to the hospital. When I get there, people rush to my car.

    They get her out and rush her in. I wait in the maternity waiting room, my face in a magazine. A few hours later I'm totally bored and I'm almost asleep. Someone kicks my foot off the table and I shoot straight up and fall off the chair. I hear a deep chuckle, one I have never heard before. I get back on my char and look at the person who had kicked my foot. Blue eyes meet my brown eyes.

   He's taller than me. Blue eyes. Pitch black hair. A lip ring on his lip and a percing above his right eyebrow. He's also covered with tattoos. Which I always found super hot. He smirks at me. "Enjoing the view?", he asks. I blush and look away. "I came out to tell you that your sister had arrived". I look back up at him. I have a sister. I smile at him and he smiles back. He stands and pulls me up with him. Then takes me to the room where my mom is. She's holding a small baby wrapped in a tiny blanket.

   I walk over to her and take the child from her. I hold the small baby in my arms and kiss her forehead. "What's her name?", The boy who brought me here asks. I look at mom and she shrugs. She tells me to choose.

    "Allie", I say, looking down at the baby. I look back at the attrative kid I had met only a few minutes ago. I hand the baby back to my mom and pull him out into the hallway. "Hey", he says laughing.

   "I need help, I'm scared", I say. He tilts his head. "I don't know how to be a big brother". He shakes his head. "What?", I ask. "It isn't funny. I really have no clue how to be a brother. I've never been one, obviously".

   "Dude, I know you're gonna be a bomb big brother. Relax. it's gonna be fine", He says. He smiles and hugs me tightly. "I'm Keaton by the way". I let him go and extend my hand.

   "Danny is the name", I say smiling. He smiles back and shakes my hand.


   Picture of Keaton on the side.

Not broken, just bent. ~A Dethan fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now