Not broken, just bent. ~A Dethan fanfiction~

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     Let's get a couple things straight, they will have the same personality as they do on the show. But, the Dethan romance will not be the same as it is in the show. It may be worse, it may be better. HOPE YOU ENJOY!! Oh and in this, Danny knows about the crew being werewolves. Kay? Cool.


   I walk with my head down into the school. Today is going to be awful. Why,you may ask? Could it possibly be that every single day is the same. The answer is a big definite yes. I have friends but I just don't like life. No, I'm not suicidal! I just don't like my life. But I don't think I wanna leave it just yet.

   I walk to my locker and do the combination. 8-9-0-1. I get my books out and lay them on the floor. I don't have class for at least another 15 minutes so I close the locker and lean against it. That's when I see him, coming through the door. I feel my stomach do a flip. He looks in my direction and I blush. Who is this guy?

    Jackson comes over to me and leans against the locker beside mine, glaring at the boy. I see another boy beside him, he looked identical to him but there was just something more about the boy I first saw. I see Scott, Stiles, and Isaac all coming in our direction. I sigh and decide to check my phone. Nothing, as usual.  "There is definitely another werewolf in this hallway!", Scott says. Ugh, more of this crap. I look back down at my phone and decide to play my cheap Mine Craft knock off game until a voice startles me.

    "Hey, I'm Ethan", the voice says. I look over and see "him".  God, he's even more gorgeous. I shove my phone into my pocket and turns toward the beautiful boy. I reach out my hand and he shakes it,

   "I'm Danny. Welcome to Beacon Hills High School. Where everyone is a self crazed bitch.", I say smiling. He takes his hand back and laughs. Jackson looks at me and the new kid, Ethan, and rolls his eyes. Scott chuckles and whispers something to Stiles about Jackson being jealous. I turn back around to see Ethan glaring at Jackson. The bell rings and I say my goodbyes to Jackson.

   "So, what's your first class?", he asks.

    "Um, this is embarrassing but, life skills.", I reply blushing. He stops in the middle of the hallway and pulls something out of his bag. He holds it up and I see that it's his schedule. He has 3 classes with me! Hell yeah! I see that his first class is the same as mine. I high-five him and he laughs. We walk to class together. I go and sit down while Ethan stands at the front of the room waiting to be seated. 

 After about 5 minutes the teacher claps to get everyone's attention. "Class, we have a new student. His name is Ethan. Treat him respectfully. Okay Ethan, you can go ahead and take a seat next to Danny there. I smile and so does he. He thanks the teacher and walks over to our table. "Okay, so, Ethan, Danny will be your partner in all of the partner activities we do, got it?". He nods. "Good. Okay so today, or should I say this week, we will be learning about parenting. Yes I know, so much fun! So, you and your partner are going to get a pretend baby to care for. When it cries, you have to do whatever to make it stop. That simple.". She reaches down and pulls out a tub of dolls and orders a person out of the partnership to go and get a baby. I get up and go get us one. I find a girl baby doll that has his green eyes and my dark hair. I go sit down and hand him the small toy.

   "Holy shit, it looks like us!", he yells. I laugh and nod. "That's pretty freaking awesome. So,  daddy Danny, what're we gonna name her". I laugh hysterically at the nickname. This earns a scold from Mrs. Mills. I cover my mouth and Ethan chuckles a little beside me. I gasp and turn to him. He looks startled at first. "What's wrong?", he asks.

   "Let's name her Isabelle! Oh Ethan please!?", I beg. He laughs and nods. I squeal. I take the baby from him and cradle her in my arms. "Oh isn't she pretty", I ask Ethan dramatically. He laughs and starts to say something but Mrs. Mills cuts him off.

   "That right there is a perfect example of the perfect parent!", she yells pointing to me. "Oh yeah and extra points if you dress the kid up in cute outfits. I know its a doll but it's gonna be so much fun if you actually pretend!".  The bell rings and we all get up and leave. I go on to class which I have with Ethan but we don't get to sit with each other. We still exchange glances in class though. That class end and I go on to math. Which I don't have with Ethan. I journey on to history which I have with his twin, which I learn that his name is Aidan. He seems alright but not as near as amazing as Ethan. I now have lunch which I have with Ethan, and like everybody else. I sit in my usual seat, with the lacrosse players. I see Ethan and motion for him to come over. He does.

   Jackson glares at him until I see a mental light bulb light up in Jackson's mind. Oh no, this can't be good. He smirks. "Ethan did you know that Danny's gay?", he asks. Oh my God!


    Okay so I don't know if Ethan actually has green eyes but I'm assuming! So I hope you liked! Will probably update soon!  

Not broken, just bent. ~A Dethan fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now