Chapter 11.

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   I freeze in place and stare at the book in disbelief. I try to play it off like it's a joke. "W-what do you mean? It's a fiction book about a fiction creature.", I say faking a small laugh. He just continues to glare at me. What the hell is this about?

   "Do you believe in this shit", he asks. I shake my head. "Okay, go up to your room. I'm keeping this. This stuff can destroy your mind Danny", he continues. I nod and go to my room. I do my homework and check my Facebook. Nothing interesting. I get a call from Ethan. I answer it.

    "Hello?", I say.

    "Hey baby. How are you?", he asks. Gosh he is so sweet sometimes. "I want you to see what kind of were wolf stuff we do. Can you come up to Derek Hale's loft tonight?", he continues.

   "Uh, yeah, sure. I gotta go. Love you", I say. He says it back and I hang up. UGH! I don't like Derek or were wolves! But, I love Ethan. So I'm gonna go. I get up and get ready. Brush my teeth and fix my hair. It's 5 so I decide to do whatever until then. At 7 I hear a honk outside. It's Ethan so I run downstairs. Say goodbye to mommma and run to the car. I kiss Ethan when I get in and it's a peaceful ride to Derek's.

   When we arrive we hop out and the crew turn around to look at us. Stiles smiles at me. If I had a choice to stay here or leave, I'd be home. Though, I did have a choice. But the wrong choice could have resulted to losing the only good thing I have.

   "Hey", Scott says coming up to me. Tonight they're practicing for the changing or whatever. Wait, let me re-phrase, preparing. How do you freaking prepare for that? For the bone cracking, skin tearing, bruise forming hell of a night. He explains what they're gonna be doing. I laugh randomly getting notice of Stiles standing so damn close to Derek. Derek looks at me and pushes Stiles. I bust out laughing even more and everyone looks at me weird. I see Derek blush and I have to walk away from Scott to keep from labeling myself a freak. To late, am I right? Woop!

    At 8 they finally begin to "prepare". Allison and Lydia come and we just talk and watch. We talk about everything from the beauty that is Captain Hook on Once Upon A Time from the love-hate relationship that is Malec from The Mortal Instruments book series. We are just a bunch of girls/gays, don't judge us! We talk about the hottness that is every single member of 5sos.

   About an hour after they do there thing we start to hear noises. Then gun shots. "Danny! Get down!", I hear Ethan yell. I hide behind a very small tree, thinking it would hide me. It didn't. Derek shook his head when he saw me and pulls me by the sleeve to the inside of the loft. Everyone eventually piles in. We can still hear the shots from outside.

    "What the hell was that?', Lydia asks. They all exchange glances. I feel like I'm gonna need a new pair of pants. Oh yeah, little Danny gonna piss himself full infront of his boyfriend's friends. Story of my life. I sigh and sit on the ground. Ethan sits beside me and kisses my cheek. So protective! Sort of...

   "Hunters", Derek and Scott say at the exact same time. Woah, that was cool. Everyone looks at Allison. She bites at her nails and finally looks up, looking as nervous as the rest of us. She stops biting and swallows.

    "My dad", she asks. Allison's dad stopped hunting soon after his wife died, for the sake of his daughter. But, that didn't mean he would never go back to it. I guess Allison had the same thought as I did because she looked like she was about to vomit.

    "No. He knows we would hear the shots. This guy is new. New hunter. Or someone led him here. But who? That's the real question here. Who cares who the mother fucker is. We need to know how we knows about us", Derek replies. We all nod in agreement.

   Scott, Ethan, Aidan, Stiles,  Derek, Isaac, Boyd, and Derek all start planning. No one really knows why Stiles joins in on the plans. But no one cares enough to ask. Me and Lydia sit back talking about how it could just be a prank or something. Allison stands away from all of us biting at her nails again. She calls her dad to see if he's home, he is. This makes her feel a bit better. Well, good enough for her to join Lydia and I. "He's home. I'd kill to know who that is. The scary part is we might have to.", she says. Wow Allison, way to make me feel better.

    The pack all come over to us. Everyone has a spot they are gonna hide. Stiles and Scott are suppose to distract, and Derek, Isaac, Boyd, and Erica are the in charge of the sneak attack. The plan isn't to kill, it's to find out what this person wants. If he does try to kill one of the pack members, he will die. No one is to help him if he hits the ground. For me thats hard. I've always been the one to help another person. Seems like everything is being robbed from me. My belief that the world is normal was the first to go, but I'm supprisisngly okay with that.

   Everyone sets out for weapons and things and Ethan comes up to me. "I'm so sorry. I didn't expect this. Please stay out of the way. For me? If anyhting happens to you, I-I'll", he says begining to cry. I embrace him and kiss his cheek. Derek calls for him and he kisses me gently. I watch out the window and see them hiding and all of a sudden...

   "THUMP!". I see Ethan fall out of the tree and scream. I run outside to where he is and cry. "No! Ethan! Please!",  beg. I look up and see a dark figure coming up to us. "No!", I scream. I can't see his face. He get's up to me and I can see his face. I stare in disbelief.

    "John", I whisper shocked.

    JOHN IS DANNY'S STEP DAD! Just in case you forgot! Woah baby! Plot twist! Yes, I kidave added a tiny bit of Sterek. But that's all it's gonne be. Litttle bits. I promise! I hope you guys enjoyed! Actiony and plot twist! ((: LOOOOVE YOU!


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