Chapter 12

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     I stand there in total shock. I see everyone looking at us. "What the fuck are you doing here Danny? With these hideous creatures!", John says harshly. Ethan looks up at me in pain. I look down at him and back at John. "Well?!". I guess Derek never thought to tell Erica and them to back off because all of a sudden they all come out and tackle John. Boyd holds down John and he struggles to get up

    Derek just stands there watching everyone. Stiles goes over to him and whispers somthing in his ear. Derek rolls his eyes and comes over to us. "Who the hell are you? Why are you trying to kill my pack? Who told you about us? How did you know where we where?", Derek asks. Boyd gets up and John stands. I back up a little to where I am beside Ethan, not infront of him. John mumbles somethiing and Derek punches him forcefully in the jaw. John stammers back, holding his jaw. "TELL ME!", Derek growels. 

    "Like I would tell you anything", He says. Derek shrugs and motions for Boyd and Isaac to get him. They grab him and carry him into the loft. They hang him up by his arms up over his head. Derek stands infront of him, knife in hand. We all come in, Me and Stiles on the couch. Erica and Isaac sitting on the floor sittign by a sleeping Ethan. They told me to stay away so I wouldn't stress out. Kindave hard not to stress about your boyfriend.

    "I'm not gonna ask you again. How. Do. You. Know. About. Us?", he asks, spacing out the words. John spits on him and Derek takes the knife and slides it aganist John's forehead.  He svreams out in pain. Derek looks at Boyd and Boyd comes over and rips John's shirt off of him. Derek stands back and crosses his arms. Erica looks over and chuckles. That lil hoe. I laugh to myself.

    Derek slides the knife sharply over John's chest. He screams louder. "Okay! I'll talk! I was told by the circle!", he yells. Derek and Boyd exchange glaces. John sees there confusion. "The circle of hunters. That's where I met Danny's mom.", he says. My mom? No way. "She put the pieces together and came there to get more info. I never would guess you hang out with these monsters.", he says. There's a noise coming from outside. All of a sudden, the door busts open.

    It's my mother.

         Extremly short chapter and I am so sorry! I was in rush! HOPE YOU ENJOYED! THANKS FOR VOTING!

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