Chapter 5.

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    "What's that?", I ask Ethan. He pulls his shirt up and I can't help but get excited. I get limp to him and touch the scar. He doesn't flinch, just stares.  I remove my fingers and stand back He keeps looking at me. Its getting quite awkward so I break the silence. "How'd you get the scar?", I ask him.

    "Oh, umm, I don't remember.", he replied. I can tell he's lying. But why would he lie about something like that? Ii don't question it because he might get mad. I nod and sigh. "Something wrong?", he asks. I shake my head no. I wish he would tell me the truth. My mom comes in and tells me that it's time to go home. I nod and gather my things. Ethan leaves and a few minutes later we do too.

    When we get home I go straight to my room and lay down on the bed. Finally the comfort of my soft bed. "Danny! We have company!", mom yells from downstairs. I grab my crutches and limp down the stairs. I see someone sitting on the couch. She looks up and I see that it's Lydia. I also notice her crying. She sees me and she stands.

    "Hey Lydia. What's wrong? Did something happen?", I ask.

    "J-Jackson.", she stutters. "He t-told me if I b-broke up with him, he w-would k-ill y-you.", she sobs. I come over to her and hold her in a hug, She lets out another sob and I stoke her hair. Mom comes in with some water and tells Lydia to sit down and take a deep breath. So, she does. She explains how she tried to break up with him, but then he told her that if she did, he would kill me.

     "I'm calling the police", mom says, I don't try to stop and neither does Lydia. "Any objections?". We both shake our head. She calls and gives them our address. They get there under 20 minutes. Mom explains what happened. I guess Lydia's tears where enough proof. We give them the address that Jackson that may and they leave. Lydia asks if she can hang out at our place just in case. Mom agrees and we sit down and watch a movie. It's a happy one and for a little while she almost seems happy.

   There's another knock on the door and Lydia jumps. I put my arm around her and pull her to me. "It's okay", I whisper to her. I see Officer Stilinski. He smiles at us and pulls my mom into the kitchen. Lydia and me get up to eaves drop.

    "He says he didn't say it, and we don't have proof. He did admit to being the one who beat up your son though. But he said it was because he threatened him first.", The officer says. Oh my God!!! I'm dead!

     "Bull shit!", I hear someone say from the door way. I see Ethan standing there looked PISSED. "That is a loud of bull shit! He beat the hell out of Danny to get back at me for taking up for Danny! He will not blame this on Danny! I have the proof and I swear to God if you don't take him I will make sure he pays for it! I want you to take him! I cant believe you are taking the fucking bitch's side!", he yells.

    "Now look here. We aren't taking anyone's side. Now that we have a reason for him beating Danny half to death we can go from  there. Thank you, Ethan. I will be on my way", the officer replies. Ethan nods and moves out of the way.

   "Damn", my mom says out loud. Leave it to my blunt mother. Lydia giggles and whispers something to my mom. Mom giggles and whispers something in reply. I roll my eyes and sit down on the couch. Ethan follows and we start talking about what had just happened.

    "I couldn't let that bitch blame you for it all. Sorry for the interruption.", he says. I smile at him and I hear giggles from behind me and look at my mom and Lydia keeps whispering stuff to each other. I shake my head. "I gotta get going, by the way, I finished our project. See ya around", he says. Aw! He did it on his own! Hehe! I so like him! He hugs me and then leaves. I hear Them giggle again and turn around.

    "WHAT?!", I ask. They laugh this time.

    "He so likes you", they both reply at the same time.

Not broken, just bent. ~A Dethan fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now