Chapter 19

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     At the moment I am laying on my bed looking up at the ceiling.  I've asked Ethan to come over and he's on his way. I turn on the first video that comes on on my phone's music playlist and it's Black Veil Brides. I listen along to the powerful words and feel tears sting me eyes.

       I groan at all the emotions going through me. So much is changing and I'm not a big fan of change. I hare change. But, some change is good. Like Ethan, he was definitely a change, but a good one. A perfect one.

    Someone knocks on my bedroom door and a hot Ethan pokes his head in the room. I fake a smile at him and he comes in. I sit up and he comes over to me and kisses my cheek, then sits beside me. 'I have a question", he says. I raise my eyebrow at him. "When's the last time your mom ate a salad? Has she just been eating chocolate non stop or something?", he asks bluntly. I chuckle lightly.

    "She's having a baby", I reply. His mouth drops open and I nod. "Yep. Another child". He continues to stare at me, without saying anything. He shakes his head and gets up to turn the musc down. "I was listening to that". He looks at me in disgust.

    "Really?", he asks with a disgusted tone. I look at him and begin to feel my hands shaking. I've always been judged for my music taste so I only listen to it by myself. But I thought it would be okay to listen to it with Ethan. I really didn't think he would judge me. "But they're gross and loud and emo. Don't tell me your going emo". I feel my face go white.

    Just because I listen to them, doesn't mean I'm emo. He notices my hurt expression but doesn't do anything. "Music doesn't define a person. Well, it does. But not the type of music. I'm not emo. Or crazy", I reply. Wait, why am I trying to go beside the truth? "No, you know what? This sort of music is what got me through everything Ethan. While you where hurting me, they where saving me! Leave. If you can't accept what I enjoy, you may leave. Goodbye". He looks at me in shock and I stand and cross my arms.

    I go over to him and turn the music back on. He glares at me and I glare back. He shakes his head and looks away. "Man, you are changing", he says. Then walks out of the room. I refuse to let anyone tell me that the things that I enjoy are wrong. I am me, and nothing is going to change that.

    A few minutes later I hear someone coming up the stairs. Then mom opens the door. I greet her and she looks over at my phone. "Let me check your phone", she says without greeting me back. I look at her weird and then get up and it to her, She grabs it and instantly goes to my music.

    I have everythin from One Direction, 5sos, BVB, D.R.U.G.S. Nothng bad or anything. I sit patiently and she continues to go through it. She shakes her in a dissaprovement and hands me my phone back. "Delete all of the emo music. It's nothing good. It's disturbing Danny. I forbid you to listen. If I catch you listening to them one more time, you're in a lot of trouble", she says. Then walks off. I feel my heart break.

    Why is all of this happening to me?

     A/N: Bad news for Danny. This is the part of the story where bad things are happening. The end of the story is near. So get ready. <3

Not broken, just bent. ~A Dethan fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now