Chapter 13.

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    Updating! Hope the last chapter was so super plot twisty! Like Oh my Luke Hemmings where did that come from! This chapter is actually have a little mmf in it. ;) Just because I love you guys! <3

        It all happens quickly. Mom attacks Derek and they pull her off of him. Lots of threars and I eventually just walk out. Stiles volunteers to take me home and I let him. I decide to take my mind off of it by asking Stiles a couple of questions. "So, um Stiles. What's going on with you and Mr. Alpha?", I ask laughing a little. He stops the car in the middle of the road. "Oh my God!", I yell.

    "W-what do you mean", He asks trying to get himself all together. I laugh and look at him curiously. He laughs nervously and starts driving again. "N-nothing", he lies. I look at him and raise my eyebrows. "Okay! Maybe we've had a few encounterings.", He says. I gasp and he laughs. I ask him if they're like an official couple. He nods and I make an exagrrated noise. "I know! He's amazing! He totally understands me! You have no idea how sweet he can be! He plans on telling the pack soon", he says smiling.

    "Oh my God! That's amazing!", i say. He nods and the rest of the drive is just talking about our werewolf boyfriends. When I get home I go on up to my room. About an hour later I hear mom and John come in. They come into my room and take a seat.

     "Ever since you where little, I've known. I did it to keep you safe sweetie", she says a tear sliding down her cheek. I nod and tell her it's okay. "We won't bother the Hale back anymore. Love you", she continues then leaves.

              The next day Ethan comes over. We talk a little. Then we decide to watch a movie like a normal couple. We end up kissing. I slide my tongue in his mouth. He takes my shirt off and his. It continues a rough passionate makeout until his hand travels down to my jeans. He looks up at me and I nod. He unbuttons them and slides my pants and undies down my legs. He takes his off also. He grabs "the much needed materials" we need, and we become one,

      Sorry it was short but holy crap! Sterek AND Dethan making love in one chapter! Oh my lordy! Sorry it wasn't really that romantic...:P HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED! Oh and sorry it didn't tell about there... "doings" I dont think I could ever type it out XD LOVE YOU GUYS!

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