Chapter 4.

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   But not completely. I can still here the surrounding sounds. I hear Ethan yelling. I put my hands up to my ears and curl up into a ball. I close my eyes and that's when I feel a harsh kick right to my ribs. I whimper and they kick again, and again, and again. I hear running and someone screaming.  I open my eyes to see Jackson a few inches away, laying down in  agonizing pain. I hear running again, and yelling, and someone saying to call the ambulance. Is he really that bad? Next thing I know, I hear sirens.

    People rush in and I expect to see them hauling Jackson up. But, I don't. They lift me onto the gurney and I find that it's hard to breathe. I gasp for breath and they put an oxygen mask on my face. They rush me out of the school and onto the ambulance. The last thing I see is Jackson, standing up with a smirk on his face. "Why", I say out loud before I fall unconscious.

   I wake up in a hospital room hooked up to a shit loud of machines. I look around and see Ethan looking down at his phone. I cough to get his attention and he looks up from his phone. "You're up.", he says calmly. I shake my head and find that it hurts and I wince. He gets up from his chair and sits on the side of my bed. He looks at me with pity and brushes my hair back. "This is my fault. I wanna say I regret beating the shit out of Jackson but in all honesty, I don't. I'm sorry that this happened. I really am, Danny. I didn't know he would turn on you. I thought he was your best friend.", he adds.

    "I did too. Ethan this isn't your fault at all. You did what you did for me, and I can't thank you enough for it.", I say. He takes me in an embrace. He gets up and I see tears running down his cheeks. We stare into each other eyes for a long time until the door opens. Stiles, Scott, Allison, and Lydia come in.

   "Omg Danny are you okay? Don't worry! I dumped Jackson! He's a douche!", Lydia says. Ethan looks at her like she's an idiot and just shakes his head. I guarantee he had the same thought as me. Why would you even bring up his name?

    "I'm gonna go get us something to eat. What do you want Danny?", Ethan asks. I tell him that I want nachos from Taco Bell and he nods. He gives me a reassuring hug. "Need anything, call. Okay?". I nod and he leaves. The others stay and ask if I need anything, after about 20 minutes, they leave.  Ethan brings me my nachos but claims he has to go somewhere so he leaves again. I have a lot of visitors including my mom who stopped by on her lunch break, freaking  out of course. The doctor explained what happened to me and she calmed down. She leaves after a while and more people come. After probably 50 or more visitors come and go, I finally get the chance to sleep.

   I sleep until 10 the next morning. I find breakfast and a note from Ethan. It reads. "Hey sleepy head! Hope you are doing okay. School today so I can't visit :(. But, I'll come see you after lacrosse practice! ~Love Ethan.~ I smile at the letter and hold it to my heart. Could he really feel the same way I feel about him? It's kindave possible. Right? Probably not but a boy can wish.

    The nurse comes in and tells me I have to wear a cast on my arm and a brace on my leg for a couple of weeks. She puts on my cast and brace and assigns me crutches. I text Scott to text Ethan to tell him that I'm out of the hospital. He doesn't reply so I hop out of the hospital and call my momma to come and pick me up. She takes me back to her work Which  is a sucky dental office. She takes me back to the break room. She turns on the tv for me and leaves the room. I then get a text from an unknown number.

    Un known number: Hey! It's Ethan! I got your number by Scott! How are ya feelings. I get so excited that I don't even reply. I just go save his number to my contacts and put his name as "Sexy boy!". It isn't like anyone's gonna see it.

  Me: Oh hey, I'm alright. A little sore but I'm fine. Bored as hell though! How are you?

   Sexy boy: I'm bringing you lunch. Hope you like cheese burgers! Where are you?

     Me: The only dental office in Beacon Hills. I do like cheese burgers, see ya then pretty boy!

   I don't get a reply and I guess that it's cause he's driving.  A few minutes later he comes in and hands me a bag. "Thanks", I say. He sits down in front of me, just staring. I just kept eating, not bothering to look up. "What?', I ask. He smiles.

   "Just watching you.", he says giggling. I shake my head and take my last bite of the burger. He then stands and I see a scar, like something you would see in a werewolf movie.....

Not broken, just bent. ~A Dethan fanfiction~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora