39: Author's note (Mack's Perspective)

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Hi my lemons! This has been a long journey, and I am honestly just happy that people actually read my book. I love you ALL, and I hope you enjoyed my book. I'm ending the story here, and within a week I'll have a new book up. Tell me what book you think I should do next, and I'll get to it.

Biana is... my queen. I was trying to find something better than that, but... this is too true. Biana is my favorite character, and I shipped BAM too hard not to write this. Sorry that there wasn't really any other ships in it, but I hope I satisfied you!

For those of you who don't know, I ship sokeefe (well duh), but like I said, I kept this neutral Sophie.

Um. Any questions about... anything? From appearance to favorite ice cream flavor to what I want to be when I grow up. Anything!

If you didn't know, my (nick)name is Mack.

Finished Summer of 20 *freaking* 20

You guys rock!

~Thanks a lemon~

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