25: Tam's perspective

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Alden sat on a couch, with the others around him.

"So what you're saying," Tam said. "Is that you know a technopath who's smarter than Dex and might know something about the device in Biana?"

"And everyone else." Alden nodded. "She's a Vacker, named Venelinda. We can go see her today, if you guys are up to it."

Fitz scoffed. "No, I'd prefer to give the Neverseen a little more time to do whatever they want to out friends."

"Can we go now? Like, this second?" Sophie asked.

Alden ran a hand through his hair. "Well, I'd have to contact her first, let her know we're coming. She isn't too warm with visitors. But I'll see if we can go over today. In fact, I'll even hail her now."

Alden left the room, and Marella, Fitz, Sophie, and Tam sat in silence.

"It's been too long," Marella said. "How do we know they'll even be alright?"

Tam shrugged. He honestly didn't know what condition their friends would be in when they saw them next. When they saw them as 'humans' last, they seemed fine. But that was almost a week ago. What was the Neverseen doing to them?

"They'll be fine," Sophie said. She looked at Fitz, and Tam could tell that they were having a telepathic conversation from the way that they were just staring into each others eyes.

"I think I know what I need to do," Sophie continued. "Remember how Mr. Forkle said that the Neverseen sent him a note?"

"You mean the one offering to return our friends in return for you?" Marella said. Sophie nodded.

"No," Fitz said, standing up. "Sophie, you can't."

"I can do whatever I want," Sophie countered.

Tam considered Sophie's idea. If she turned herself in, they'd only have to rescue one person, instead of five. But Sophie was important, worth more to the Black Swan than anything.

Sandor growled from the corner, reminding them that he was there.

"Sophie," he said. "You aren't turning yourself in."

"It's my life!" she shouted. "And I think this is the right choice."

Sandor shook his head. "No, it's not. Let the adults figure it out."

Before Sophie could reply, Alden came back in.

"Good news," he said. "We can head over to Venelinda's right now. Someone go grab the notes Dex made about what he synced in Biana and the rest of them."

But as they walked to the leapmaster, Tam had a feeling that they were too late. Even if they found out more about the device Dex had felt, it wouldn't matter.

So, I'm sorry that I haven't written in forever! I have had a serious case of writer's block. I know that I'm going to be focusing on Biana more now. I have an idea!

Thanks a lemon!

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