4:Tam's perspective

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Tam sat in his desk chair in his room, his head in his hands. Biana was gone. But at least he still had Linh, right?

Suddenly, his imparter lit up. 

It was Fitz.

"Hi?" Tam said, though it came out more of a question.

"I think I know where she is," Fitz said.

"Wait, really?" Tam exclaimed, jumping up so fast his chair fell back. His imparter almost fell out of his hands, but he was still able to catch it. "Where is she? If you know where she is, why didn't you get her? Fitz, your supposed to be the older brother! Why aren't you freaking out?"

Fitz sighed. "I have freaked out enough. And... I don't know what the Neverseen did, but I can't get near her. It's like there's a force field around her. No matter how hard I push."

"So it is her?"

"I think," Fitz ran his hand through his hair. "I'm pretty sure she saw me. But then she got scared and... She ran away. I don't know why."

Tam looked away. What had they done to her? If the girl Fitz had found wasn't her, then where was she? Why didn't she remember her own brother?

"Did you tell anyone else?" Tam asked.

"I told my mom and dad. And Forkle's the one who tipped me off. Other than that, you're first. I wanted to see if you could get past the force field with your shadow stuff," Fitz shrugged.

"Tam?" Linh said, coming in through the door. "Are you all right?"

Tam turned to face his twin sister. "I'm fine. Kind of busy right now, though."

"Oh," Linh smiled. "Sorry. Just wanted to make sure you're okay. You look okay, so I'm going to go." She waved, walking out. "Bye bye Tammy!"

"Bye Linh," Tam waved, turning back to Fitz. "What are we going to do?"

"We're going to try everything we can think of. We are not giving up on my little sister."

Tam nodded.

"I have to go tell a few other people my findings," Fitz said. "Bye."

Tam nodded, and the imparter clicked off.

But he had one more question. And it would take some digging to answer.

*Yay! Thank you to everyone who is reading, you're the bestest, guys!

Thanks a lemon!*

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