18: Sophie's perspective

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Don't worry, this is still about Biana. It's not going to be all Sophie for long. 


Fitz was the first one to say it. Though, Sophie was thinking it, too. She was pretty sure Tam and Marella felt the same way.

Mr. Forkle had just come over to tell us that the Neverseen wanted to trade Sophie for the rest of her friends. Since when do teenagers have to do things like that?

But Sophie sighed and sucked in her stomach. "It's not much of a choice, is it?"

Every head swiveled to stare at her. 

"I'm just one person. Biana's been missing too long, and we can't lose anyone else," Sophie said. Then she turned to Mr. Forkle. "Listen, I want to do this. You can always rely on my friends. They're always there. But I, on the other hand, and either zombie Sophie shell, stressed about school, complaining about my life, or recovering from an injury. Who wants that?"

"I do."

Again, Fitz was the one to say it. Sophie felt her cheeks go warm. She hid behind her hair to hide her red cheeks. She could see Fitz running his hand through his hair through the blonde strands.

"How many people are missing?" Sophie asked. She regretted the question as soon as it  left her lips. She wasn't ready for the answer.

"Five," Mr. Forkle looked away, a frown conquering his wrinkled face.

"Question," Marella spoke up. "How in the heck did they catch only one of the twins?"

Tam looked away, and Sophie felt bad for him. This must be really hard.

"It's not like I never leave her side. She was just in her room, and when I heard her scream, I ran in." Tam wiped his face. Sophie couldn't see his tears, but then again, his face was turned away. "She wasn't there when I opened the door."

"Don't worry, Mr. Tam," Mr. Forkle assured. "We'll find her. We'll find them all."

Finally, another chapter! Yaaaaay! sTuPiD nEvErSeEn! Oh wait, I made them do this... sorry

not sorry!

Thanks a lemon!

What Biana ForgotDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora