17: Queenie's perspective

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Queenie had noticed that Amy was getting more desperate. For what? No idea.

Keeper of the Lost cities was pretty good, too. She was on the fourth book, and Mack kept on pressuring her to read faster. Queenie thought she was going fast enough. Five weeks in, four books in. Biana was still her favorite character. 

The stalker people had stopped watching her. That was good. Queenie hadn't told her parents, or anyone but Amy, because she was sure that she was just over reacting. It was perfectly fine.

"Heloooo?" Someone called from downstairs. It sounded like Mack. "Queenie, it's meee!"

Suspicion confirmed. Mack and Queenie had an inside joke that they would call, "Queenie, it's meee!" Whenever they went to the others house. At least, Mack would call for Queenie. Queenie would call for Mack.

"I'm in my room!" Queenie shouted, and seconds later, Mack burst through the door, a Harry Potter wand in her hand. "What's the wand for?"

Mack gave her a look. "I never know when I'm going to be called to Hogwarts. It's best to always be prepared."

Laughing, Queenie rolled her eyes. "Riiiight. Hogwarts."

"Anyhow," Mack said, plopping into Queenie's desk chair. "How are you? Have you met Tam and Linh yet?"

Queenie nodded. "I'm good. And yeah, I met the twins. They're pretty fun."

"I know, right?" Mack sighed. "And Tam and Biana belong together. Don't you think?"

Queenie nodded. Then something flashed in her mind.

She saw herself, in weird clothing, next to who she assumed was Tam. Huh?

"Hello? Earth to Queenie Hall! Down here in Idaho! Come on, girl!" Mack was saying.

Queenie snapped out of her gaze, and there was Mack. "Oh, hi. Sorry, I just had to take a trip to the moon."

"Ooh, that was terrible sarcasm," Mack said, a fake wince on her face. "But You can work on it later. I need to fangirl really quick."

She took out a piece of paper, scribbled across the top it said a BAM rant!

"Bam rant? Is Bam Biana and Tam's ship name?" Queenie asked.

"Uh, duh. Only the best ship EVER!" Mack shouted, throwing her arms up. "Now, read this."

Mack shoved the paper in Queenie's face, and Queenie had no choice but to take the paper before Mack could smudge her makeup. 

(the BAM rant in written down in my other book, which is saved for rants and such. It be good.)

"Okay, okay," Queenie said. As she read the paper, she felt something... Like she could see herself in the scenes Mack had written about, and feel the feelings Biana felt.

Something clicked in her head.

End scene! This one is a bit longer than most of my... What would I call these? Chapters? Ah, whatever. Most are 200-300 words long, this one was 46-something. in the 400's. Anyway, that's all.

Thanks a lemon!

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