1:Biana's perspective

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"What are you going to do?" Biana spat at Gisela. "My friends will come for me."

"Not if they don't know where you are," Gisela responded. "And I have a very special tool to make sure it stays that way." She reached behind her, and brought out a small metal object, about half the size of her palm. "Do you know what this is?"

Biana shook her head.

Gisela smiled. "This is something our technopath brew up. It was intended for Sophie, but we didn't manage to get our hands on her."

"Whatever you do to me, I will remain strong," Biana snapped.

"Oh, I know you won't tell us anything. But you won't remember anything, anyway."

Biana's eye widened. She had expected them to drag the information out of her. What were they going to do?

Gisela picked up her her fear, and leaned in close. "Do you want me to tell you what this does?" 

Biana stayed silent.

"It will make you forget. And then, it will make you think you are a human. And no one elf who loves you will be able to come near you until you have all of your memories back."

Biana's stomach fell to her feet.

"We wanted to make it so no elf in general could come near you no matter what, but everything has its limits."

Biana focused on taking deep breaths. How could she help her friends if she didn't remember them? If they couldn't go near her?

What about Fitz? And Mom and Dad?

What about Sophie? And her other friends?

What about Tam?


~Hi my lemons~ It's Jbd. Or Mack... I still don't know what to call myself. But yeah! How did I do? This is really my only story, so I have time to write. My friend actually came up with this idea, and let me use it, so. Thanks L!

Thanks a lemon! Me, out!

What Biana ForgotWhere stories live. Discover now