27: Biana's perspective

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The door finished opening, and a cloaked figure came in. She was halfway to where Biana stood, invisible, when an imparter rang out. The cloaked figure grimaced, then groaned, then did something to the imparter she took out of her cloak. She probably declined it, because the ringing stopped.

"Hello, little girl. Guess what, we're related," the figure said. It must that one Knut person, because Biana could see her glittering teal blue eyes even though they were shaded by her hood.

Biana said nothing, slowly moving around the edge of the room towards the door. Knut must have known what she was doing, because even though Biana was invisible, Knut spun around to shut the door. But it was too late.

Biana ran out of the door, but she was tired. She hadn't used her legs much in the past week, and vanishing was taking up her energy.

Biana panted, and felt herself becoming visible once more. Sweat trickled down her face and side, but she kept running. She had to get out.

But she couldn't.

How could she? Everyone in the hideout would be looking for her, and she could be running farther in instead of out. No more announcements sounded, no alarms, no yelling. But she knew they were looking for her.

She stopped, pressing her back against the wall, focusing all she had on staying invisible.


How could she get out? Should she quietly look through doors to find the outside world, or stop now before whatever punishment she already had got worse?

And her friends were still here, she realized. She had to go back and save them. Biana fearfully looked back at the hallway she had just came from. The one that led beck to the cells with her friends. She had to save them. Give them all a chance.

After taking a deep breath, Biana turned and walked back in the direction of the cells.

Either they were all going to suffer together, or they were all going to escape together.

But Biana wasn't leaving her friends.

Biana is the best. Who agrees?

Now, really quick, I'm sorry I've been taking forever to update, but I'll try to do better. I just didn't know what I was going to do for a while.

Thanks a lemon!

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