Soon you began making the cake, Cooper was telling you what ingredients to weight out and put together while he was melting the chocolate at the oven. He watched you as he was stirring, noticing your tongue sticking out slightly as you bent over to see the weight as you measured the flour and coco powder, somehow already having some of the snow-like powder on your nose and in the front of your hair.

You felt him looking at you and turned slowly, seeing pink rising up his neck to his face as he looked away.

"What you looking at scoop" you asked with a glare of your eyes, standing up straight and pointing the wooden spoon you had been mixing with towards him.

He looked back and laughed slightly, "Nothing" he shrugged, going back to his chocolate and taking it off the heat.

His soft look has made your chest feel warm and butterflies flock in your stomach, something that hadn't happened in a while. Watching as he walked towards you, placing the bowl on the counter next to yours before removing the heat-protection glove and turned towards you. Turns out he was a little closer than he had thought. Your faces only inches apart. Eyes seemingly tracing each others faces at their own accord.

You cleared your throat, taking your eyes away from his as you had been looking to them for a few too many seconds, grabbing the spoon again to finish mixing while cooper still stood there at your side. His brain churning 10 miles a minute. You'd grabbed a smaller spoon and dipped it into the chocolate, blowing on it before putting it in your mouth and lightly moaning at the taste.

"So what's next?" you asked, breaking Cooper from his thoughts.

"Just adding the chocolate to the mix and then cooking" he stated, reaching over and grabbing the bowl with his hands – forgetting it had been over boiling water a minute ago. Quickly dropping it and staring at his hands that felt like they were on fire, letting out a muted yelp of pain. The bowl was only a few inches off the table so thankfully didn't break, but that was the least of your worries.

"Oh my god cooper" you fretted, reaching for his wrists and pulling him quickly to the sink where you shoved them under the cool tap. Holding his hands in your palms to make sure he didn't try to move them away.

"That was really hot still" he mumbled shakily, trying to distract his thoughts from the fact your hands were holding his and your face almost pressed against his shoulder.

You scoffed, "Yeah no shit". You both stood there for a few minutes before you let go and stepped away.

"Stay there, I'm going to get the burns kit" you insisted as you walked out the room, returning within a few seconds and placing the bag on the island.

You pulled out one of the tall stools from underneath it and motioned for Cooper to take a seat, which he did. You then grabbed the towel and gently began to dab his hands dry, checking his face to see if you were causing him pain. Meeting his eyes every time you did as he was watching you.

"Okay, this will probably sting but it'll help in the long run" you said, Cooper looking like he was deep in thought as he stared at your face, he nodded. Only wincing slightly as you applied some gel to his hands. They weren't too bad, a bit red and sore but no emergency.

"You seem very deep in thought there coop, the burn get to your brain" you laughed slightly, noticing his eyes drifting from your eyes to your cheeks, briefly to your lips before he looked down and sighed. He then met your view again,

"Y/n, I know you asked me to help you make a dessert for your date which was all good, but fuck, you look really cute in that apron with chocolate smudged on your cheek and all I want to you is lick it off, you always are so soft and take care of me and I'm starting to regret agreeing to this" Cooper rambled quickly, his words getting more defeated sounding as his sentence trailed off.

"You're an idiot" you jested, finishing up with the gel and putting it away. Ignoring the expression of confusion mixed with hurt that cooper held as he watched. You zipped the bag up and reached to grab his hands again,

"I'm confused" Cooper simply stated, making you roll your eyes. You pulled your arms back behind you, making your hands pull Cooper forwards and off his chair, lifting your head and placing your lips against his. He was taken aback for about 0.3 of a second before he started kissing back, letting go of your hands and grabbing your waist to pull you closer as he kissed harder.

As you broke apart, your heart swooned seeing Coopers smile in the corner of your eye. "So, what about your date?" he breathed against your lips.

"I don't know, I have to make a quick call first but what have you got planned?" you flirted, raising your brow and making Cooper grin again.

"How about we have some cake and watch a movie tonight?" he asked, hands lightly playing with the string of your apron.

"Sounds perfect" you grinned, pulling on the strings of his own apron to bring his lips back to yours.

* Lunch Club + Friends Imagines * DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now