Chapter 44

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After skateboarding for a few hours, the light started to dim, and the sun began to set. The sky was an array of pinks and oranges and I couldn't help but gape at how amazing it was.

"The sky does that a lot here." Austin commented, watching me look.

"It's so pretty." I smiled.

"Just like you." Sean whispered. I looked at him strangely, eyeing Austin to see his reaction, but he mustn't have heard.

"How are we getting home?" I asked, trying to brush it off. I'd never been friends with any boys, let alone gotten close to having a boyfriend. Lots of girls at my old school would meet in the parking lot to see their boyfriends who went to other schools, but I was never one of those girls. 

"Didn't think about that. We'll need to get someone to drive us since we only have 2 boards and you can't ride."

"I can just walk behind you, it's fine." I offered. Both boys shook their heads very seriously.

"It's not safe. Especially not whilst it's getting dark." Sean told me. I didn't know why it would be unsafe. I'd been out in the dark lots of times back home and never really thought much of it. Too much else to worry about, I guess.

Before I could ask who, I should call, my phone rang. It was Ryan.

"Hi Ryan!" I answered. It was the first time answering the phone on my own.

"Hey Ash," He laughed. "Need a ride?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Look at the cars to your left." I turned but didn't see any cars. "Other left." He chuckled again. I never had a reason to know my lefts and rights. He waved and hung up on me.

"Ryan is here." I told them.

We talked at the car and ended up leaving Sean and Austin to make their way home. I didn't know where Sean lived but they wanted to take photos and ride home, so I went alone with Ryan.

"How'd it go?" He asked me as we pulled out of the carpark.

"It was fun. I'll be really good soon!"

"I'm sure you will be." There was something about Ryan that was relaxing. I didn't feel the need to impress him or make him want to like me, even though I was his sister. The trust I had for him was different to what I had with Austin. He was the one that called Mum and Chris when I was having my nightmare, even though he'd promised to keep anything like that a secret. His reaction when I first met him was also off-putting. I still wanted to hang out with him and trusted him, but with Ryan it was easier. I wanted it to be easy with all of the boys, but that's something I know I've got to work for.

"We need to pick up dinner." He said.

"What are we having?"

"Anything and Everything. It's just around the corner."

"What food is it though?"

"Lots of Asian foods. They have Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese and a few others."

I waited in the car whilst Ryan grabbed the food. Apparently, Chris had ordered earlier, so we wouldn't have to wait ages. It was dark and kind of scary. I'd never noticed how frightening being outside in the dark was.

Without Ryan there, I started to panic. I didn't know how to turn on any lights, and I didn't want to move to grab my phone, just in case something happened. I could feel myself getting more and more stressed, and my heart beginning to race. I felt the urge to grip something tight, to feel control over something. My hands gravitated towards my wrists and I struggled to fight against it. Not long after I gave in, digging my nails deep into the skin on my wrists, Ryan reappeared.

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