Chapter 9 - Wyatt's Wish

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Zed's POV

I continue to run up and down the school in search for Wyatt. Suddenly, I see the aroma slip through the gym doors. I go to pull the doors open, but it's locked. How did Wyatt get into the Gym? Doesn't matter, all I know is he needs help. Sorry coach, but I have no other choice. I take off my z-band and enter into full zombie mode. My heavy puffs and grunts built up, veins growing along my arms and eye sockets. I pick my foot up and... BOOM! I kicked the gym door out of place. I immediately snap on my z-band before anything else happens. I slowly step in, trampling over the dented gym door, and into the gym.

All I could see was pitch black, while the moonlit sky filled the room up with hints of midnight blue.

" WYATT???? WYATT! COME ON OUT BUDDY!!" I call out. I suddenly hear growling as wooshes pass by me." Wyatt?" I call out, but quietly this time." Look Wy, I know you don't wanna see me, but I'm only here to find you. Willa's worried about you bud... Just come on out, and I'll take you back to the field." I reasoned.

Suddenly, the growls stopped. And weirdly, I feel something brush against my back. I turn to find nothing. Then, a hand is moving through my hair, as I suddenly start to melt. But with my instincts, I jolt back." Look bud, I know you wanna play with me, and that's fine or whatever, but please just come out of the dark." I say. Suddenly, I was pinned against the wall. From my struggles, I can carefully hear and feel someone sniffing against my neck.

"... Z... Zed... You're... Not Safe..." The voice finally replied back.

" Wyatt, just let me help you--"

"NO!" The voice yelled out." Something's wrong with me... I don't... GRRRAAAUUUGGGHHH!!"

Suddenly, I was unpinned from the wall. The reflection of the moon casted a midnight blue highlight on the silhouette. The Silhouette collapses to the floor, them groaning and aching. I know that has to be Wyatt. I immediately rush over to him, and flip him around, as I see his glowing amber eyes start to flicker.

"Wyatt, what happened," I asked him.

Before he said anything, he took a deep breath." I was... At field... Bucky... gave me... cupcake... strong spice... feel funny..." Wyatt spoke, pausing at every 1 to 2 words. I knew Bucky was up to something! Suddenly, a new scent entered my nose. A funky scent I've never smelled, but might've awhile back. I can't believe to ask this, but...

" Wyatt. Breathe on me," I spoke.

Without any rejection, he did what he was told. As he blew into my face, the scent becomes stronger. I can't put my finger on what it is... but it smells so familiar... wait... why does this smell...

" Wy... You're given Anise seeds... we need to get you to a bathroom, like right now," I tell him.

" No Zed... I can't... The Others... They'll see..." Wyatt struggled.

" I don't care if they see you or not, we're taking you to a bathroom." I ordered Wyatt. I scoop him from the floor, and try to rush him out of the gym and to a bathroom. But the minute I start to pick him up, he aggressively pulls me down to where he's back to the ground, and I'm on top of him.

"Wy... Let me go! I need to help you!" I struggled out of his grip. He tried calling me multiple times as I wriggle out of his trap.

" Zed... Zed... Zed stop, please..." Wyatt spoke. My struggles slowly calmed down more and more, until I gave out in his arms.

" Look Zed... I've been waiting for something like this to happen... it was meant to be..." Wyatt confessed.

" Don't say that! I can get you help if you just let me help you..." I hesitated, tears building up. Wyatt rubbed me on the back, as he speaks.

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