Final Say from the Author!

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Hey guys! Hope you've all enjoyed reading," Zed's Call to the Wild" as it has strucken me by how many viewings and votes this book got! I remember when starting this book, I wanted there to be lots of love and drama (mostly love for all my kinkies out there 😏😏), as seeing other Zyatt (ZedxWyatt) Wattpads, and finding there's really no love, like, the passionate kind. No offense to the authors who wrote those, give them kudos for it, as their stories did sound quite interesting. Although, I'm very sad to put this book to an end... or will I? Never fear, I'm sure Zed and his posse will get the whole Bucky thing resolved, and continue on with their abnormal lives.

BUTT! (heh, i said butt :).)

Before I officially put this book to a close, I promise some extras coming your way either this week or next week, involving:

• Report of Bucky and his minions

• Zed's + Wyatt's Relationship

• Addison's + Willa's Relationship

• 2nd Half of the Bonus Chapter," The Exposure"

So be sure to still keep a keen eye on those, as those will wrap up the endings of this book. That's it for now, until next time, Byeeee!!!! 💖💖💖💖

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