Sequel Chapter 3 - Old Habits

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Zed's POV

I wake up from my bed. Another day, another migraine, as everyday just feels the same. Get up, get dressed, go to school, come home, eat, sleep, repeat. I swear I need something more challenging in my life. I mean, sure, being Seabrook's high record in subjects is cool... But if I'm not allowed to enroll into Mountain College, then what's the point of it??

My phone vibrates, as I pick it up. It's Addison.

💖Addy💖: Hey! You up?

💚Z-Bear💚: Now I am, LOL. What's up?

💖Addy💖: Oh nothing! Just wanted to lyk that my schedules open for today. Perhaps you wanted to go get some froyo??

💚Z-Bear💚: fs!! You want me to ask Wyatt??

💖Addy💖: if he wants to come along, sure!!

💚Z-Bear💚: Alright, lemme call him.

I then exit out of messages, and call Wyatt. After a few minutes, nothing happens, as I call again... and still nothing. Hmm... Perhaps he overslept?? Lemme see if he's at the den. I put my phone away, as I get dressed, and head on over to the Wolf Den.

While walking through the forest, I run into Wynter. She seems worried.

" Hey, Wynter!! Why're you out here??" I asked her.

" I was looking for Wyatt. He didn't come back home last night..." Wynter whines.

Oh boy... not again...

" Did he tell you where he was going??" I ask her.

" He said he was going to see Eliza, which was why I was heading my way over there right now!" Wynter informs me.

Eliza's?? Why would Wy go over there?? Did Eliza need him for one of her projects or something??

" Oh. May I come with then? Addison asked if I wanted to go get froyo with her, and I wanted to bring Wyatt." I inform Wynter.

" Hmmmm... If you must... plus my sniffer is whack today, so it's hard to smell his scent." Wynter gives in.

" Haha! Don't worry! Follow me!" I commanded Wynter, as she follows me to Eliza's house.

Wyatt's POV

I softly wake up, cracking my back. Man, I know I'm a wolf, and should be used to sleeping on the floor... but DAMN Eliza's bedroom carpet is SO UNCOMFORTABLE!! I then lazily get up, and head over to the Kitchen, where Eliza was making breakfast.

" Oh, you're up! Took ya long enough!" Eliza teases me.

" Oh shuddup. At least you had a good night's rest, unlike me..." I growl at her.

" Well jeez, sorry! I could've put you on the couch, but remember my mom didn't know you were here at the time??" Eliza tells me, as she places a plate of Bacon and Eggs in front of me.

" Yeah yeah, I remember... speaking of which, where is your mother?" I ask Eliza.

" At work." She replies.

" Ahh." I exclaim, as I grab a fork, and start eating.

Suddenly, a knock is heard at the door.

" Stay there. I'll get it." Eliza informs me, as she heads over to the front door, while I continue to eat my breakfast.

" Oh! Zed! What brings you here!" I overhear Eliza. I quickly stop eating, as I lean in.

" Hey, I was just wondering if Wyatt's here? Wynter said he came over last night, but never went back home." Zed asks Eliza.

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