Chapter 25 - The Sibling Bond

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Wyatt's POV

I wake up to fadely see Zed talking to Addison. I sit up, yawning.

" Wyatt! You're awake!" Addison spoke.

" Yeah. What's up?" I ask.

" Bad news, we don't know where Bucky's keeping Willa. Him and his whole posse has been missing for quite some time. Not surprised they left Seabrook." Addison puffed, crossing her arms.

" But it shouldn't matter where they are, we will find where they're hiding!" Zed argues.

" Even if they went all the way to China?" Addison spoke sarcastically.

I sit up." Addison's right, Zed. With them gone from Seabrook, who knows where they are."

" Well we can't just give up like that! Your sister is the leader of your pack, without her, who would be able to lead them?" Zed questions.

" Well I am her brother, so..." I answered easily.

" But are you willing to take that position, Wy? Being a leader is a lot." Addison spoke." When I became cheer captain, controlling the squad was a hassle."

" and when I was captain of the football team, hardly anyone agreed with me, since humans hardly trust zombies." Zed adds on.

" Look, I know it's a lot to take in, but arguing about this now isn't going to help with the situation that my sister is somewhere in the world." I said, stopping Zed & Addison's bickering. I then start to think how can we find Willa. Then it hits me. Everything goes quiet, as I listen to my heartbeat. I focus real hard on the rhythm. Suddenly, I hear the beat grow a little loud, then back down.

" I can feel her." I gasped.

" What?" Zed & Addison questioned.

" Willa always told me if we ever get split apart, to always follow your heartbeat. With us being brother and sister, we have this wolf bond that is stronger than any ordinary human's bond, no offense to you two." I explain.

" You could've told us this sooner?!" Addison barked back angrily.

" Well excuse me for not being with Zed for who knows how long!" I bark back.

" Guys! Remember, no time to argue!" Zed breaks the fight between me and Addison.

" He's right, we need to go find her." I inform them.

" Well you're the one with the heartbeat monitor built inside you. YOU lead us!" Addison spoke sarcastically. Zed calms her down.

Kinda weird as to how she accepted me and Zed a week ago, and now she's pissed at me for not telling her about my bond between me and Willa. I mean I get that she's Willa's girlfriend and all, but she's my sister, and family comes first before anything else.

Anyways, I grab my stuff, and head on out. Luckily, Zed's dad allowed us to borrow one of the constuction vans for our hunt to find Bucky. As Zed's driving, I sit on the passenger side, focusing on my heartbeat, meanwhile Addison's sitting in the back of the van, trying to calm herself down, and not worry about the situation... Until Zed makes a sharp turn, which causes Addison to almost fly out of her seat.

" Jeez, can you at least be careful with the passengers that're still on board?!" I growl at Zed.

" It's either Find Willa, or I follow traffic rules." Zed argues.

" And I thought Bucky was bad at driving!?" Addison yelped.

" Alright, Wy, How's the beat?" Zed asks.

I focus. Around the corner, a beat was signaled.

" Here!" I point.

Zed makes yet another sharp turn, causing Addison to slide to the other side of the van.

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