Chapter 2 - The New Lover in Town

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Wyatt's POV

As I see Zed walk away with Addison, I thought to myself..." Does he have feelings... For me?" That can't be! Don't be stupid, Wyatt! That's impossible, he's a hypocrite, he's just trying to reel me in just so I can convince the others to vote for him as Class Prez at Seabrook! Yeah... that's it... Right??

Days pass by, still haven't seen Zed, except for whenever I pass by him in school. Everytime we pass by each other, we don't wave at each other or anything, we just give a look, and walk away. Man, all this thinking is hurting my brain...

Or it could just be that I'm hungry...

" Hey, Add!" Willa calls out to her in the Cafeteria. Addison comes over.

" Yeah, what's up?" Addison said, coming towards us.

" Me and our pack are getting tired of this lame cafeteria food, can we please get something else, before I projectile vomit all over this cafeteria." Willa explained. I nudged her on her arm to tell her where's her manners. She just looked at me funny.

" Oh yeah, sure, I mean I can relate too, their meatloaf is not so good... Umm, how about we go grab a burger or two at the new Diner they just opened up down the street?" Addison offered.

" I'm down. Wolves?" Willa joined.

Some yeses and nos were murmuring throughout our table. Me and Wynter wanted to join as well.

" Cool, see y'all tonight?" Addison asked.

" Yeah, tonight." Willa agreed.

After the bell rang for class, I get up and bump into someone by accident.

" Oh, sorry man, I wasn't looking where I was--" I stopped. As I picked up their trash, fixing to give it to them, I realized who it was. Zed. He grabs his tray of trash I gave to him. We stare at each other in silence.

" Oh, Zed, me and the pack are going to that new diner that opened up down the street. Wanna come?" Addison asked.

My nerves kicked in, and my attention went straight to Addison. She looks at me with a smile.

" Thanks Addy, I'd appreciate your invite, but sadly, I'm busy. Eliza wants me to head to her place for some experiment of some sort." Zed excuses himself.

" Yep. I'm trying out a new Z-Band for my computer class. Our assignment is to code out a specific belonging in our house, and since I can't code my own, I'm using Zed." Eliza spoke up, as she came out from behind Zed.

" Oh, alright. No hard feelings. Hope y'all have fun!" Addison told them with that peppy looking smile on her. Man, is that the only expression this girl knows? As Zed and Eliza walk away, I'm pulled back to my group.

Time passes, and it's afterschool. At last, I can go home and rela--

" WYATT!!!" A voice called out to me in a singing tone. I turn to see Wynter catching up with me." Geez, wait for me! You know I can't run fast in these leggings!" She whimpered.

I smirked." You sure it's the leggings, or is it because you're admitting you're short."

She punches me in the shoulder." HEY, I'M NOT SHORT!! I'm just... not very well exercised yet..." Wynter excuses.

" Short!" I spoke in a singing tone. She growls at me as we leave Seabrook.

" Well at least I'm didn't kiss a Zombie." Wynter spills.

She makes me stop in my tracks as she gets ahead. She turns around to see what was wrong." What's the matter? Wolf got your tongue?" Wynter teased.

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