Chapter 7 - You Can't See Him

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( AUTHOR'S NOTE: This Chapter contains mild gore and mild profanity, so if you're sensitive to that type of stuff, I'm deeply truly sorry, please don't report, it's part of the storyline.)

Wyatt's POV

TZCC... Here I come...

As Ms. Zambi drives around the corner, there I saw it. I wasn't thinking it'd be like this. I thought it'd be like any other normal Seabrook Hospital, but no. As we drive up, a grey brick wall surrounds the area, barbed wire perched up on the top. It's almost like a prison. Man... this is how zombies were treated...? Good god... as we drive up towards the gate, Ms. Zambi puts her window down as she approaches the guard.

" Name?" The guard asked firmly.

" Hi, I'm I'm Eliza's mom, Ms. Zambi, I came to see her." Ms. Zambi responds.

" Did she go full zombie? Is she having health problems? Did she collapse by some unknown source, almost draining her energy?" The guard says, bringing up multiple questions. Whatever question he asked, Ms. Zambi always ended it with no.

" She came here to meet a friend of hers, and I just wanted to go check up on her." Ms. Zambi spoke.

" I know you care about your daughter ma'am, but visiting hours have already ended, she'll be out by then." The guard informs.

My heart sinks to my stomach, squashing every single butterfly that flew in there. I slouch in my seat. Ms. Zambi looks at me, worried, then turns back.

" Please, this is urgent, her friend is at risk, I just want to see her, please!" She begged.

" I'm sorry ma'am, but rules are rules. Even though they lifted the anti-monster laws, we're still not allowed to let people visit after visiting hours. If you don't turn back around, I'm afraid I have to call the authority." The guard threatened her. She raises her hands up, as a sign of piece.

" Fine. I'll go. No need to inform me again." Ms. Zambi reasoned with him.

This isn't fair. With Seabrook, anyone can meet someone at the hospital for 24 hours. They really treat zombies like this? I won't have any bit of it. I. Just. Won't.

The vehicle begins to shake, as growls and barks are heard in the back of the van. The guard pulls out his gun, and immediately points at Ms. Zambi.

" HANDS UP, NOW!!!" He commands. She immediately puts them up." OUT OF THE VAN, NOW!!! I need to check your van!"

" B-But sir--!"

" OUT! NOW!!" He shouts, as he slowly puts his finger on the trigger.

Ms. Zambi immediately gets out of the van. As she gets out, she catches a glimpse of me, sneaking through the gate. As I watch the guard investigating the van, she signals me to go. I gave her that look, as if I remember her from somewhere. As she signals me away, the guard catches her in the act, and immediately slams her against the vehicle. I slowly start to run back, help get her out, but then it hit me. I know exactly what that signal was.

" Mommy... I'm scared..."

" Don't worry sweetie, just go with your pack, I'll hold them off."

" But mommy, we lost daddy, I don't wanna lose you!!!"

" It's for your own good Wy Wy. Now please, hurry! Willa, take him."

" Yes ma'am."

" No mommy, come back!! MOMMY!!!!"


" mommy..."

" Sorry Wy... We're on our own now..."

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