Sequel Chapter 1 - This can't be good...

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Wyatt's POV

Welcome Back to Seabrook, where belonging is everything! We're a strong, powerful, and loving community. After the whole," Bucky being homophobic" incident, Me and Zed have grew a strong relationship, as well as did Addison and Willa. Finally, our happily ever after. ~<3 I've been living such a happy life, I decided to grow my hair out. Even Zed finds it very attractive... Heh... Anyways, We're having another Prawn this year! Apparently they do this yearly?? Which I didn't know, but Zed's taking me with him, isn't that amazing? And then he's treating me to Zita's Trash Fire Pizza afterwards, Let's hope that'll be better than Prawn, I've been hearing rumors that it won't be too good this year, since last time we threw a whole celebration with finding the moonstone and whatnot.

" Hey Zed!" I greet him in the halls.

"Hey babe!" Zed calls back, as he kisses my cheek." You ready?"

" You know it! I got your stuff right... here." I stop in my tracks, as I pull out Zed's study books, teared apart.

" It's fine, hardly needed those anyway." He exclaimed, as he takes the books out of my hands, and throws them off to the side.

I walk him to Chemistry, and kiss him goodbye, as I make my way to Mathematics. Now listen, I may suck at it, but at least I'm learning! Humans here at Seabrook have made a secret law for us wolves to still graduate, no matter how tough our brains are. We may be strong and fierce, but not smart and logical. Of course with me taking Zed to his classes, I alway show up late, but they can't get mad at me, due to that rule, so jokes on them. I sit in my seat.

" Alright class, today we're going to talk about negatives and how they affect multiplication." The Math Teacher states.

I normally don't pay attention, so I drown out his voice and just think abt my perfect life... That being Zed. Suddenly, something disrupts my thoughts.

" Be careful with how negatives trick you. For example, a negative multiplied by a positive can still equal a negative, BUT if a negative is multiplied by another negative, it's a positive. See the trick?"

I quickly snap out of daydream world.

" Wait what?" I call out.

I soon come to realize the class is empty.

" Uhhh I said school's over, Wyatt." The Math Teacher states again to me.

" Wait, huh? But I just got here!" I barked.

"Yeah, you seem to forget you sleep in all of my classes, and always skip the subject. be lucky I can't send you to the principal's office..." My Math Teacher speaks under his voice, as he packs his things.

" Wait! But you were saying something about how a negative can trick you?" I questioned.

" Oh! So you do pay attention? Well, yes, a Negative may trick you during multiplication. Kinda see it as how your technology with zombie technology. Since both of y'all carry different surges of energy, you create a POSITIVE outburst. BUT also think of it like this: You multiplied by your wolf necklace is what keeps you a beast, same as how a tamed zombie remains a tamed zombie with their Z-Band. Because that surge of energy you both have is what keeps you... Well you!" They explained.

" So, what could happen if a Zombie and a Wolf... I don't know, want to stay together forever?" I ask.

" Well then they better set up some boundaries, or else they'll probably be zapped out of existence... But hey, what do I know? I'm a math teacher, not a science teacher. Anyways, I must leave, now that you're awake... Oh! And don't forget to turn in your work! Just because you're not smart, doesn't mean you dont have to do the work." They respond, as they left the classroom.

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