Chapter 17 - Our Last Day Together

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Wyatt's POV

After leaving that psycho-maniac of a cheerleader, we rushed on over to Zombietown.

" So what's the plan again?" Eliza asked.

" I'll tell you on the way..." I answered.

If me and Zed are gonna have to split once again for our lives, then let this day be our last. We made it to Zed's place.


" Coming!" A voice called behind the door. As the door swings open, it's Zed. It's so glad to see his face again.

" OH MY GOD! ELIZA! WY! I THOUGHT Y'ALL WE'RE DEAD?!" Zed freaked as he hugs us tight.

" Yeah, well blame Bucky, he captured us and took us hostage, almost leaving us to die!" Eliza rambled.

" Bucky, I knew he was up to no good..." Zed growls.

" The important thing is Eliza's back, I'm back, and no one can hurt us at the moment. I made a promise to that." I tell them.

" That's good. Hopefully we can finally walk around without being watched. After y'alls disappearance, I was left with no choice but to stay at home before I heard anything else about y'all." Zed exclaimed." Did get a bit boring around here, but at least I got Zoey to entertain me. So, what shall we do first? Diner?"

" Oh no thank you, me and Wy are stuffed." Eliza politely rejects.

" Oh okay, that's fine, then uhhh, got any ideas?" Zed requests.

" I do. I sort of made a plan for us." I stepped in." Eliza, to make sure you don't get abducted again, be sure that wherever you go, your with your mom, no matter how bad of a state she's in, I'll even come to help. Zed, tomorrow, I want us to have the whole day together, so cancel anything you got planned, even if it's football practice."

Both Zed and Eliza nodded.

" Yeah, glad you said that, I'm really exhausted, so I was gonna head home to rest." Eliza yawned.

" So no plans today? Like right now?" Zed asked.

" No, me and Eliza still need time to clear our heads about the imprisonment still. That's why I said tomorrow. Let me take Eliza home, and I'll text you later tonight, okay?" I explain to Zed.

Zed gives me a thumbs up.

After leaving, I sent Eliza back to her place, and left to the Wolf Den.

After half a day of helping Willa with the pack, night finally approaches.

" LIGHTS OUT!" Willa howls.

As I adjust into my cubbie, I take out my phone and start texting back Zed.

My Wy💜💜: Hey Zed, u awake?

Zeddy💚💚: Yea, I'm up. So mind telling me what happened with you guys and Bucky? I really need to know what he did to my friends 🤬🤬

I hesitated, scared to tell him the truth.

My Wy💜💜: Nothing else happened, everything Eliza said, that was it, nothing more

Zeddy💚💚: Okay, good, wouldn't know what I'd do if I found out Bucky did smth to u. Also, I saw u got a new collar, is it for our little punishment games? 😏😏

I feel the collar against my neck. I forgot that Bucky put it on when I kneeled to him. I can't tell Zed about it though. Think Wy, Think!

My Wy💜💜: Oh, the collar isn't for that, I just thought it would look nice on me, since humans like wearing chokers, or at least rebellious ones.

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