Chapter 4 - It's a Funny Story, Pt. 2

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Zed's POV

"Alright cutie... Let's do it..." Wyatt panted.

I fix to unbuckle my belt immediately as soon as he said that... But then... I felt this weird presence... a presence that I recognize... and soon enough...

" Dwat Got Ziggy." A voice is heard in the distance." Over here?" Another is heard. Damnit!! Eliza and Bonzo! I immediately snap back to reality and push Wyatt off me.

"Gah! WHAT THE--"

" Shhhh!!!!" I shush Wyatt before he could yell at me. I signal to him that someone is coming as I quickly try to button up my shirt. From Wyatt's shocked look, he gets on all fours and makes run for it, off into the fog of the forest. As I was close to fully buttoning up my shirt, I feel something touch my foot. My reflexes kick in... LITERALLY.

"Gwach! Whimper..."

I turn and see Bonzo on the ground, rubbing his face.

" BONZO!!" Eliza comes running in." ZED, WHAT THE HELL!!?"

" B-BONZO! I'm so sorry, I... I thought it was a bug, I..." I deeply apologized to him.

I slowly start to move in, trying to give him a hug, but he whimpers more, as Eliza protects him, giving me a disappointed look.

" Why are y'all here?" I asked.

" Isn't it obvious? To find you!" Eliza answered.

" But y'all could've just called my cell!" I excused.

" I DID!! I messaged about how sorry I was for acting up, but I got no replies... I thought you were mad at me... So I went to your place to see if you were there, but your dad said that you weren't home. And since BONZO is the only one who can sniff you down, I dragged him along with me. Now lemme ask you... What we're you doing here?" Eliza explained.

" I... uhh... Oh, I was looking for Zoey's... DOG?! OH LORD, I FORGOT TO FIND HER DOG!! Oh no... Her and dad are gonna kill me..."

Suddenly, a small bark is heard in Bonzo's Jacket. As Bonzo opens his jacket, Zoey's Dog jumped out.

" Oh Puppy, you're alive! Thank goodness, I thought you were a goner... LITERALLY!!" I relieved.

" Let's just say me and Bonzo found her BEFORE YOU." Eliza pointed out.

As I hold Puppy close to my chest, Eliza stares directly to where the Dog is put.

" ... Why is your shirt not buttoned right?" Eliza questioned.

" Duhhhh... Wolves!!" I excused.

" Wolves?? You mean the wolves that go to Seabrook?" Eliza questions in bewilderment.

" No!! I mean..."

God Zed, think of something!!!

" I... got hot!! Yeah, I got hot and decided to take a break from searching for Puppy, so I unbuttoned my shirt as I sat on this rock, until y'all scared me." I excused. Please take it, please take it!!

"... But it's Fall..." Eliza mentioned.

" Ayeeee... Uhhhh... Heh, well... you know how them autumn nights be, heheheh..." I excused again.

Bonzo abruptly starts sniffing the flat rock.

" Bonzo? What're you doing?" Eliza questioned him, as he almost set up the flat rock as a crime scene, except with only his nose.

" Got Ziggy Do?" Bonzo asked. I hesitated.

" What?! No!! There was no one here but me!" I nervously excused once more.

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