Chapter 17 - Her Previous Life (MATURE)

Start from the beginning

"He likes you. Simon doesn't really like anyone, but he likes you. He is a smart kitty," I said proudly as I kissed Minhyuk and got up to go feed the furball. I grabbed his purple shirt and slipped it on. "Come on Simon, let's get your breakfast."

I fed the meowy boy and popped another pod in the Keurig. I felt strong arms reach around my waist and pull me back against his body, still warm from sleep. I leaned back against him and he nuzzled my neck. He said "I need to have this every day. I love... I love how normal it feels." I turned in his arms and wrapped mine around him.

"I could get used to this. But I am going to try to fight the urge. It might make it hurt less to let you go when I have to." He scowled his face and shook his head.

"No, don't fight it. Don't ever fight it," he kissed my forehead and reached for one of the hot mugs I had just brewed.

"How long do I get to keep you?"

"Eternity. You have me for eternity," he said with his hand over his heart. The love in his eyes was obvious and my heart swelled. I smiled at him.

"I mean for this visit," I laughed as I picked up my own mug. "How long do we have?"

"I have to leave tomorrow night."

"Nooo, that is not enough time!" I cried in protest.

"I know, but it is all I could get. We are here filming and I requested a week but got 48 hours. And we owe that to Changkyun. Since he has family here, they let us have a little time."

"I guess we will have to make the best of it," I said as I traced my finger down his chest. I kissed him and pushed him backwards with my finger. He smiled and led me back to the bedroom. We spent the better part of the day in bed, until hunger got the best of us. I ordered chicken from my favorite local KFC spot and we were going to eat on the balcony, but it was far too hot and the humidity was stifling. We brought it back inside and sat at the coffee table. The chicken was messy, and I got a bit of sauce on my lip. Minhyuk reached over to wipe it off and then kissed the spot he had wiped. No one had ever done that before and it made me love him even more.

We were on the couch, his leg was stretched out and I was nestled up against him. He played music on his phone and sang Korean songs to me that I had never heard before. Simon had joined us and was laying beside me, where he could touch both of us. I was petting him absently while listening to Minhyuk's voice. It soothed me like nothing else could. I think Simon enjoyed it too because when Minhyuk would stop singing, Simon would raise his head and make a little trilling sound as if he were encouraging him to continue.

My phone buzzed and it was a text from Nikki. She asked what time the exhibition started. I replied that we would be there at 6:00, but it started at 7:00. I did not think to tell her that 'we' included Minhyuk, not Jisung. I looked at the time and realized it was after 3 already. I told Simon that he needed to move and reminded Minhyuk that we needed to start getting ready to go soon.

We all got up from the couch and I went to the kitchen to give Simon some treats. When I came back, Minhyuk was looking at the photographs, paintings, and sketches that covered my walls. Many of them were new additions from the trip to Korea. I had also added some of us, including the one from Namsan tower. He was absorbed in them. I walked up behind him and slid my arms around his waist. I laid my head on his back and asked, "do you like them?" He held my arms and turned his head toward me.

"I love them. You really have talent. I have never looked at Seoul this way before. And your paintings and sketches are amazing."

"Thank you. These are some of my favorites."

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