A Surprise Awaits

Start from the beginning

"Lust, I'm in a bad mood. Don't make it worse."

The Sin had cast Genesis, causing a mob of mutated animals to surround Emi. They all attacked her at the same time. Emi started her Wind Blade to knock them back enough for her to cast a stronger spell.


At Emi's command, fire started to rain down on top of the animals and Lust. The animals burned and left piles of ash where they once stood.

"Snake Charmer."

A gigantic snake rose from underground and tried to grab at Emi's legs. She jumped in time to escape the attack, but was grabbed by another snake and thrown back against a boulder. She slid to the ground and lay there unable to move from the force of the hit. Emi struggled to get to her feet. Just as she was standing up, another mutated snake lunged at her and pressed her back against the boulder.


The snake was pushed back by the pressure of the water jet. It gave Emi just enough time to fully stand up again. Lust laughed maniacally as she sent three huge snakes at her. Emi summoned her Chrysaor sword and sliced through the snakes.

"I've heard that you defeated my friend Gluttony with that sword. Unfortunately for you, those swords don't work on me. My skin is as strong as dragon scales. Nothing can cut--"

Emi smirked before shouting, "Sword Summon: Tsuranuki."

Emi rushed at Lust and managed to slice her left arm off.

"You bitch! What is that sword?"

"This sword is able to slice through the scales of the Iron Dragon. It's no surprise that it is also able to pierce your defense. After all, you are no superior to a dragon."

"We're stronger than dragons. We are stronger than Acnologia himself. How dare you suggest otherwise!"

"Acid Rain!"

Lust was stuck under the rain shower of acid that appeared over her. She started to dissolve under the acid, but she was able to send five more huge snakes at Emi, causing the white haired wizard to release the spell.


She was able to dodge the first three, but the other two surrounded her while she was in the air and unable to move out of the way very well. She had used her Water Roar again to knock one snake back, but the other was able to attach to her leg. Emi screamed as she felt the poison flow into her bloodstream. Just as she did with Pride, she used her Frostbite spell to slow the spread, but she was so beat up that it wasn't as effective.

"You'll die here. All alone!" Lust screamed.

The noise had caught the attention of the dragon slayer, who by that time had started to frantically look for his girlfriend. He entered the clearing to see three mutated snakes dead on the ground, as well as one snake pinned to a tree. He scanned the area and gasped when he saw another huge snake with its fangs lodged into Emi's leg.


"Get back!" Emi yelled harshly.

The dragon slayer looked closer to see the purple poison dripping from her leg. He went to move towards her when he heard a voice laughing. He turned to see a woman with burns covering her body.

"My my, I didn't know you traveled with some company now. What happened to the lone wolf demon slayer who shut everyone out?"

"Don't...you worry. I'm going back to...that after this," Emi forced out through the pain.

"Emi, come on. Get up!"

At this point, the poison was really starting to affect her. Emi's breath was ragged and she was struggling to keep her eyes open. Sting looked on in horror as the snake that was pinned to the tree broke free and lunged at the kneeling wizard. Something in him snapped, and a powerful white light surrounded him as white scales appeared on his arms and the sides of his face.

"Holy Ray!"

The snake was knocked back again, giving Sting enough time to run over to Emi. He scooped her up and faced the Sin before growling.

"How dare you--"

"Run...away. You can't fight...her."

Emi started to cough up blood, making Sting's eyes widen at the realization that the poison was making its way through her body.


"What's wrong, little boy? Are you mad that your friend is dying in your arms? How endearing."

Emi started coughing again, but was able to yell at Sting once more to run. He told her that he wasn't leaving, which made Lust smirk and send another snake their way. This time the snake was aimed at the dragon slayer, causing Emi to panic. She forced herself up once more, body swaying as she struggled to stay standing. She took in a sharp breath and gathered all her strength into another spell.


A holy light shot out from Emi's palms and hit Lust full force. She screamed in agony as her skin started to crack. She eventually crumbled to the ground and became a pile of dust. The snakes disappeared as well, causing Emi to breathe out a sigh of relief before she fell to the ground again.


She coughed up more blood and could barely catch her breath.

"Sword...Summon: Kastane."

A small dagger appeared in her hands. She took in a sharp breath before holding the sword on her leg.

"Uh, Emi, what're you--"

In one swift movement, Emi had sliced a huge line up her leg. Sting panicked and started trying to stop the bleeding, but Emi pushed him away before casting her healing spell and pulling the poison out of her bloodstream. Her spell broke after getting most of the poison out, but the bit that was left continued to affect her. She was able to stand again, so she did and started walking back towards the forest so she could get to town.

"Emi, where are you--"

"Not that you would want to know, but as you can clearly see I'm in need of medical attention."

"You shouldn't be walking right now. Let me--"

"Why don't you pick up snake skin over there so you can take it back to the village as proof that the creature was defeated. I'll worry about myself."

"You don't have to. I'm here to help--"

"Don't worry about me. I've been on my own for long enough."

With that, Emi limped back towards the forest.


"Oh, and just so this gets through your head this time, I don't take off my hood so things like this don't happen. I would love to walk around with my hood down, but I don't have that luxury until I kill all the Sins."

"But you'll--"

"Die once I kill them all? I know. So I guess that just shows you how much curiosity I have."

"I didn't..."

Emi continued making her way to the forest.


"Go away."

And with that Emi walked through the forest, not looking back as she made her way to the town. 

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