Everyone pilled off the bus, not knowing if we were suppose to. "I cant believe im finally in Canada" Dan said, probably kissing the ground, considering him and Justin were Canadians. 

"You act like you havent been here in years bro, you were just here a month ago" I said, getting looks from the guys. "What?" I mumbled. 

"Girls dont say 'bro', okay?" Alfredo and Justin said in Unison.

"I didnt know there were rules, bro" I said giving them a creeping smile. "Plus wheres somehting to eat around here, im hungry"

"Same" Justin said rubbing his skinny but muscular stomach. Ah, My pain.

"Why dont you two fags find some place to eat and bring us all something back" Alfredo said smiling, showing his teeth.

"Your asking me to take Justin, the famous guy, thats going to draw attention to us, to find something to eat at night when most of the teens are out, on a friday, god you guys are dumb" I said biting my lip. They wanted us   me and Justin alone  to find something to eat. Im up for it other then is Friday and he draws attention to everything. Ah.

"Yes i am, since you two are hungry and stuff, why dont you go?, dont wanna be seen with that? scared? Someones going to attack your pretty little face?" Alfredo teased.

"Aww, Im pretty?" I said smiling cheesyly. "But yeah whatever lets go"

I dont know why but this kind of reminded me of the time 2 years ago when we were "Just getting Food" and "No one's going to recognize him".

"I swear to god if some bitch touches me, im not only going to kick her ass but im also going to kick yours" I added taking off ahead of him.

"Hey, You cant just beat fans ass's , i did not sign up for this" He said smiling putting one arm around my shoulders like i was one of the guys. I freaking hated being 'Just a friend'.

"They didnt either, but people never read the Terms & Conditions , Now do they ?" I asked, knowing the Answer was 'no'. People — including me, probably have sold our souls to the devil 25 thousand times by not reading the Terms & Conditions.

"Good point," He said giving me 'props'. "but i know how you are, and how Scooter is, you would be killed if someone found out and im pretty sure the Press would be there in 2.3 seconds if they knew Justin Bieber was there, i mean, not that your irrelevant or anything"

"I am not irrelevant okay, im surprised you even know that word Mister—"

"I know im not smart, but damn, im still making that paper"

Rolling my eyes at his foolishness i wrapped my right arm around his waist to make my back feel better — to touch him because i wanted to feel on his abs.

In a matter of seconds there were girls and men with cameras. They came out of no where. Litterly. One second it was just us having a normal conversation, then people were all over us — him.

"Justin, Shit" I mumbled as we got in a inclosed circle. If you think he's claustrophbicyou havent seen me. "Can you stop fucking touching me?" I asked nicely, but a rude choice of words. I didnt want random peasents, (Yes theyre peasents to me) touching me.

"Dem?" I heard someone say over the loud yelling and 'Omg JUSTIIINNNN DSBJFBDJ'

Someone grabbed my hand, Thank god. Even if it was some random stranger, if they could dragged me out of this mess, i would love them forever.

To bad the stranger was Justin.

Or not, He was actually holding my hand, interlocked fingers and everything. He didnt let go either after we ended up in McDonalds. The girls were coming in, The Paparazzi too, but the manger shoo'd them off.

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