Chapter 105: Kashi's Wish (Definitely an Artifact!)

Start from the beginning

Of course, even the most chaste woman would admit that a diamond looked a million times better than a rock

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...Of course, even the most chaste woman would admit that a diamond looked a million times better than a rock.

Lunette's eyes were the size of saucers as she stared at the crystal. To Bards, who were often likened to the infamous Midas (their song buffs only worked on others), the song buff was absolute murder!

Due to this limitation, Bards moved around in groups to gain the effects of other bards. With this crystal, Lunette no longer needed to fear moving solo.

Furthermore, that MP Bank! That was free, extra 20,000MP! With this, she did not need to worry about her MP forever. Especially as Bards naturally did not have high MP levels.

Lunette stared at the crystal, at a loss of how to react. Would 'thank you' be enough for something this grand? This was a permanent accessory she could use until the game ended!

Kashi noticed the several changes on her face and worriedly asked. "How's it? Didn't look like junk."

Junk? Kashi's words managed to drag Lunette out of her daze. She couldn't help but laugh as she rushed to Kashi and wrapped her arms around his neck. "If this is junk, then there are no treasures in the world."

Kashi's entire frame stiffened like a board, unsure of how to react. "Uh..." he managed in a throaty voice. "That means it's good, right? What're the stats?"

Lunette's lips curled in a mischievous smirk. "Se-c-ret." She teased, amused by Kashi's wronged expression. Tightening her arms around his neck, she stood on her tiptoes and lightly kissed the stunned daeben.

It was only for the briefest of moments, barely two seconds even, but the great Elder Draconian, leader of the Hopeful Maggots and Conqueror of Nations, completely shutdown.

Lunette's felt the blood rush up to her cheeks as she rapidly retreated. Lunette's flushed, beet-red cheeks rose and fell as she struggled to calm her breathing. Embarrassing! That was so embarrassing! She peeked at the daeben and almost burst out in another round of laughter at his listless gaze. Phew, at least Kashi did not see her embarrassing side.

Lunette took a deep breath then walked up to the daeben and patted his cheek. Luckily that managed to jumpstart his deep-fried brain. She chuckled as she resumed the act of the confident Onee-san character. The songstress placed a finger on her lower lip as she coquettishly complained, "A girl's first kiss is a sacred thing, you know. Consider this my thank you and also a loan. You've got to give me something of equivalent value later."

In a voice barely over a whisper, Kashi instinctively retorted, "...That was also my fi—" Luckily, he managed to catch himself. But it wasn't fast enough.

Lunette placed her hands on her waist and mock-frowned. "A guy's first kiss is not as sacred. Your first hundred might suffice as payment, though."

Kashi frowned. "Wait a minute. Why is a thank you also a loan? Does it work like that?"

Lunette's eyes widened in disbelief before they softened into apparent pity. She tapped Kashi on the shoulder and sighed deeply, "You're lucky I fell for you."

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