Chapter 20

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MDA: Ch. 20


"Clarissa... Clarissa, wake up." A deep, husky voice whispers in my ear. I grumble, lifting my hand to slap the person away. I seem to hit something hard because the person groans and stops whispering.

"Five more minutes." I mumble, burying my head back into the... Wait, that's not a pillow. I lift my head and crack my eyes open. I peer at the blue thing underneath me, realising it's the padded floor. I groan and close my eyes again. We've been in here all night? What the hell are those boys doing?

"Oh good, you're awake." Auntie Alex states, a smirk stuck firmly in place. I glare up at her and scowl. I slowly get up, accepting the hand that Lionel offers me. I bite my lip when I notice the fading, red hand print on his left cheek.

"Where the hell are those boys?" I grumble to no one in particular, rubbing my eyes to get rid of the sleep.

"Your father mind linked me a few minutes ago. They're on their way back. They found four other letters last night, so they're bringing them back for us to see." Mum explains. I blink, my sleep hazed mind not really functioning yet. I just hum and nod, leaning my head on Lionel's chest. He wraps his arms around my waist, making me sigh and close my eyes. Glad he's not one to hold a grudge.

"About what we spoke about yesterday, Clarissa," Mum draws my attention, making me open my eyes as she continues, "I already spoke to your father and he came up with an alternative."

"Did he come up with it or did you come up with it and make him think it was his idea?" I ask cheekily. Mum sends me a grin, instantly answering my question. Now I know where I get my sneakiness from.

"Anyway, he says that you can train, but only if it's with him around. I'll still be the one training you, but your father will just be present." Mum shrugs, shooting me a look that says, 'it's the best I could come up with'. I shrug back with a smile.

"Training? Should I know about this?" Lionel's voice carries through the air. I twist my head to look at him sheepishly. Mum quickly explains the proposal. Lionel doesn't seem too happy about it, blabbering about how it's dangerous and risky and that he can protect me just fine.

"I know you can protect me, Lionel. Think of it this way: I'll be able to protect myself. I'll be able to help others as well. Is it really that bad?" I counter, looking up at him pleadingly. It's not like I'm not going to do it if he tells me not to, I still am. I would just like his support on the matter.

Lionel sighs and shakes his head, giving in with a stiff nod. I beam brightly at his grouchy face, planting a loud, sloppy kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I chant, jumping in his arms. Lionel, mum and auntie Alex all laugh at me when suddenly, the door to the room opens and dad pops his head in. His eyes travel over all of us before landing on mum. Everyone's still as we cautiously view the feuding mates. This could go two ways:

One. Mum could continue to ignore dad.

Two. Mum could stop ignoring dad and unleash hell instead.

I bite my lip, curling into Lionel's chest as I flick my eyes between my mum and dad. I silently wish it to be the second option, wanting to get this feuding over and done with. This is my fault... This is all my fault, I never should've let this happen. If it wasn't for me, mum and dad would still be happy right now. Since I started it, I'm going to end it. Just as I'm about to step out of Lionel's arm and resolve the matter, mum does something unexpected. She sprints to dad's open arms and engulfs him in a tight hug, her feet dangling above the floor because of dad's height.

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