Chapter 21

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MDA: Ch. 21



My eyes widen when three big looking guys launch themselves at mum. Mum squeals and turns to run, but they quickly grab and squish her I'm a hug. Mum laughs and struggles as the three guys tighten their arms around her. Um... Ok?

"Celina! We've missed you!" The dark haired one yells. I cover my mouth to stop the laugh from coming out, but dad seems to fail because he starts to chuckle.

"It's good to see you guys, but I can't breath!" Mum admits, her face slightly paler. The three men quickly drop their arms and scratch the back of their heads sheepishly. Mum sucks in a deep breath before grinning at them.

"I've missed you guys too, but try to restrain from strangling me." Mum jokes, walking up to the three men to give them individual hugs. Someone beside me clears their throat, so I look to the source to see Jett with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh!" Mum exclaims, coming to stand next to us.

"Jett, Dylan, Clarissa, meet Declan, Jasper and Matt. I knew these guys when I was younger, they're pack warriors now." Mum introduces, pointing at each person individually. I smile and wave.

"Nice to meet you." I mutter shyly, ducking my head slightly. They all look very dominating. Declan has light brown hair and bright blue eyes, his actual form towering over my much smaller one. Jasper has dark brown hair and dark eyes to match, his form slightly higher and wider than the other two. Matt's the most less intimidating one of the three, I decide. He's got short, blonde hair and incredibly dark eyes that look almost black. A lot like uncle Comrade's actually. His build is absolutely massive though.

"Comrade! Alex! You're back!" Matt yells happily, engulfing them both in a hug, his arms easily linking behind them.

"Bro! When the hell did you get so buff?" Uncle Comrade wheezes, trying to struggle out of Matt's hold. Matt lets them go and shrugs, not noticing uncle Comrade and auntie Alex gasping for breath.

"So, what's been happening?" Declan asks with a smile.

"I'm pregnant!" Auntie Alex quickly screams with her hand bolting up before anyone else can open their mouths. Mum, dad, my brothers, Lionel and myself all look at her weirdly as Declan, Jasper and Matt all look at her shocked.

"You're pregnant? That's great!" Matt yells happily. I tilt my head to the side, scrutinising him with my eyes. He looks familiar... Good familiar, not bad familiar, but still familiar...

"Just wanted to say that before those two over there open their mouths." Auntie Alex grumbles, shoving a finger in mum and dad's direction. They both look at each other with guilty expressions, running a hand through their hair at the same time.

"Wait! Before you get into anything at all, because I know it will be bad knowing you two, I just want to say hello to your kids." Declan interjects. He quickly comes over to us and shakes my brothers' hands, saying a quick hello. When he gets to me, he stops and tilts his head slightly, looking like a cute puppy. A cute pack warrior, never heard of that before.

"I know you... You're friends with my daughter! Jennifer!" He exclaims, holding my shoulders at arms length. My eyes widen at his words. Jennifer? The normal girl in my group of friends is this guys daughter? What! Not possible.

"You're Jennifer's dad? As in, Jen? The normal one?" I ask shocked. Declan nods his head happily, the beaming smile on his face never wavering.

"Oh! So you must know John!" I say dumbly. Of course he knows John! He's her mate! Declan nods his head again, seeming happy about that too. I wish dad felt that way about Lionel... My life would be so much easier.

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