Chapter 19

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MDA: Ch. 19


'We've found the letter.' Dad's mind link cuts through all our minds. Mum holds up a hand to Lionel, indicating him to stop the story he was telling us of how his parents met.

'What does it say?' Mum asks wearily, her whole body going rigid.

'Dear Celina Heart,' Dad begins, his anger seeping through with every word he links. 'Well done, you've found the first letter. Here's your first answer: Alistair had a mate. Think of it this way, if Alistair had a first mate, then so did his generations to come. This is your second clue: where's the place you lost someone dear to you?'

We all ponder over the question, silently taking in the information dad just told us. Lionel's staying quiet, since he can't hear anything. Mum's face visibly pale, her eyes widening.

'It's the war zone, Axel. We lost Comrade there. Go find the next letter.' Mum pushes, looking like she's about to pass out. Dad sounds a reply to all of us before blocking his mind. Mum still looks a bit out of it, so she's probably talking to dad still. After a little while, mum blinks and looks at us with a tight lipped smile.

"Okay then, I think it's time we all have a little rest." Mum mumbles, rubbing her temples with her pointer fingers. I sigh and rub my own eyes, still leaning against Lionel's chest.

"What did he say?" Lionel questions before any of us can move. I smile sheepishly at him. I forgot he can't hear dad like we can. He should join the pack soon.

"He said they found the letter, but there's another one they have to track down. The person gave us one clue that pretty much told us that he's a descendent of Alistair." I explain, doing hand gestures with my words. Lionel nods his head, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Right, now we all need to get some rest. Especially you, Alex. It's not good for the baby." Mum scolds lightly, helping auntie Alex up and leading her to the padded floor and walls.

"What do you think, Lionel? Should we get some rest?" I ask cheekily, tilting my head slightly to look at him. He chuckles and wraps both his arms around my waist, burying his face in my neck. I shiver when he places a soft kiss where my neck and shoulder meet, a breathy moan escaping my lips before I can stop it.

"I can't wait to mark you when all of this is over." He whispers into my neck, trailing his nose up to my ear. I bite my lip, trying desperately to remember that my mum and auntie are in the same room.

"Lionel, would you mind if I borrow Clarissa for a bit?" Mum's voice suddenly penetrates through the haze in my mind. I jump up and out of Lionel's arms, scowling at the smirk on his face. Mum grins at us, making me blush and scowl deeper. Both mum and Lionel chuckle at my discomfort before Lionel nods and goes to sit next to auntie Alex, that stupid grin still in place.

"What's up, mum?" I question, turning to face her with my lips sucked into my mouth. She doesn't answer me, just wraps her arms around my shoulders and engulfs me in a tight bear hug. I blink a few times before hugging her back just as tightly, relishing the moment.

"I love you, Princess. I love you with all my heart, never forget that." Mum whispers, letting go of me to look me in the eyes. I smile at her softly.

"I won't." I reply quietly, staring at the amazing person in front of me. I love my mum, she's the one person in the whole world that I know I can trust, no matter what. I'll tell her anything and everything, not caring if she disapproves or not because she always swings around at some point.

"So, about your powers..." Mum trails off, leading me to the furthest possible corner away from Lionel and auntie Alex. I raise my eyebrow, gesturing for her to continue.

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